Monday, August 19, 2024

My Top Six

I maintain this blog because I enjoy writing and it's nice to have an online journal that I can refer to if I want to figure out when something noteworthy happened on my life. I rarely look at the blog stats, but today I was clicking from one section to another and ended up on that page.

Blogger seems to have changed things up since the last time I was there. Halfway down there was a list of my most-visited posts. I was amazed at how many times some of them have been viewed. 

  • The highest count one is still a post from 2011 titled Conversion, which has lapped all the others a couple of times in its number of views. 
  • Next comes My Sentiments Exactly from 2012, which talks about navigating some changes made to the Catholic Church English mass translation
  • In fourth place is Float or Sink, also from 2012, about cleaning up my tomato garden bed and processing the green fruits.
  • Next in line is Snow, Snow Go Away from the snowy winter of 2014 and the frenzy one storm caused at the mall customer service desk I worked at. 
  • Last but not least, A FEW Of My Favorite Things from 2013 talked about finding out my favorite activities and relating them to my talents.
Five years ago today: Generate And Fabricate


  1. I do refer to my blog mostly for the odd recipe or once I was trying to remember when was my hysterectomy -Christine

    1. It sounds like we use the historical posts in a similar manner

  2. It is interesting to see which posts have been popular. I am now going to read your 'top six.'

  3. I keep my blog also as a journal to look up cats I miss badly, and see their photos or to relive an experience. I didn't know there was a list of most popular posts.

    1. I have no idea when the feature was introduced, but it was interesting.

  4. I've never had much luck trying to figure out the stats on my blog. They don't make any sense to me.

    1. And if a computer guy can't figure it out heaven help the rest of us.

  5. One of the reasons I keep a blog is to refer back to to find out when or what happened.

  6. Interesting. Look back Kathy. Thank you Aloha

  7. I check that count from time to time and wonder what made it popular, the title or the content. I also enjoy writing and spinning a tale or two, but mostly as a way for my kids to keep up with my life without having to contact each of them. I do it now because I enjoy the exercise. I think it helps keep my old brain going!

    1. I suspect none of my younger generation ever comes by to read what I've written.
