Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Mustard Yellow Thoughts

This week we're having a run of un-August weather. Instead of the normal hot temperatures, it's been cool enough that we've been able to turn off the air conditioner and open up the windows to let Mother Nature in.

The pleasant temperatures have meant that Hubby Tony and I are back to walking outside. Last night we went to the grocery store to purchase a couple of items. We were halfway there when I saw something yellow on a flat-topped fence post.

When I got closer, I saw the yellow thing was a mustard bottle that had words written on it.

When I got right next to the bottle I saw the words were alluding to the biblical Parable of the Mustard Seed, along with the books, chapters, and verses where you can find it.

In case you're not familiar with the parable, it says (Matthew 13:31-32):

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in a field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.

It would be interesting to know the bottle's backstory. Who felt compelled to put their sentiments out into the universe, and why did they pick that particular place?

Five years ago today: MLS4TheLou


  1. I wonder why they think it is appropriate!

  2. Well, that's Interesting. I can't say I've ever encountered a proselytizing mustard container before.
    Hey, why not? Everyone has so much to say these days and want to be heard.

    1. Yes, maybe the person wanted to get others thinking about the topic?

  3. Interesting! Intriguing, too. I hope you find some answers.

  4. When I was young, it was popular among Christian girls to wear a necklace of a mustard seed encased in a tiny glass sphere. I never had one myself but I liked the style and sentiment.

  5. Well it's a nice yellow mustard container

  6. Summer ended here. Walnuts on the ground, orange leaves showing and this morning I had the heat on in the car ride to work. I could have easily put the heat on in the house this morning. Burr.

    1. It's usually hot here until at least Labor Day.

  7. A random act that might be just what someone walking by needed to see. Brings back the memory of having joined you in random acts of Christmas Cheer.

    1. I hadn't made the connection between the two activities. Thanks!

  8. We have a man in town who at Christmas dresses up like Jesus and hunches under a home made cross, walking the streets. Someone wanted to spread words they love maybe. It looks like an after thought, a recycling of a used mustard container, not like something they went and bought to write on.

    1. I would wonder even more if the container had been filled.

  9. Intriguing. Quite an unusual random quote.

  10. very interesting. I'm guessing this is how this particular person has been led to spread the word of God. We have a guy in town who sits under an umbrella on an empty lot and passes out little bibles. He has done this for many years. I would never have thought about leaving a mustard container. I enjoyed your blog...hope you will stop by and visit me.

    1. Shug, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I bet you're right about the person and their motives.

      I'm off to visit your little corner of the blogosphere now.

  11. Interesting indeed. It certainly gets your attention. It would be cool to know more about it.

    1. I will certainly keep an eye out for other similar items.

  12. You need to leave a catsup bottle with a response.
