Friday, August 16, 2024

Technology Isn't Life

(I can't find the author of this. If you know please pass on the information.)

I had spent an hour in the bank with my dad because he had to transfer some money. While we were waiting for the banker I said, "Dad, why don't we activate your internet banking?"

'Why would I do that?' he asked.

'Well, then you won't have to spend an hour here for things like transfers. You can even do your shopping online. Everything will be so easy!"

He asked, "If I do that, I won't have to step out of the house?"

"Yes!" I said. "Amazon delivers everything."

His answer left me tongue-tied. He said:

"Since I entered this bank today, I have met four of my friends. I have chatted with the staff who know me well. I like to come to the bank. I have enough time; it is the physical touch that I crave. 

"Two years ago, I got sick. The owner from the produce market came to see me, sat by my bedside, and cried. When your mom fell down a few days back on her morning walk, our grocer saw her and immediately got his car to rush her home because he knows where I live.

"Would I have that human touch if I did everything online? Why would I want everything delivered to me and force me to interact with just my computer? I like to know the person that I'm dealing with and not just the seller. It creates bonds of relationships. Does Amazon deliver all this as well?'

Spend time with people, not with devices.


  1. Wow, so true. Thanks for sharing this Kathy.

  2. I think I commented on this already. No matter. I've seen this little anecdote before, but don't know where it originated. There's a lot of truth in it.

  3. This pops up on Facebook quite often. Which I think is a bit redundant since FB is all done online! I do a lot of my banking online, but I go into the branch to get cash every few weeks because the ATM will only give out 50s and 20s. I enjoy talking to the people in line and to the teller.

    1. My bank never has enough tellers anymore, so I get my 20s from the ATM. If I've used the one at the grocery store I walk over to the customer service counter and ask nicely for change. If I've used a different one I go to a gas station and ask them to break the large bill for me.

  4. I've seen this recently. I will interact when necessary. I seldom if ever use the self check out at the grocery store. Like the meme says, "I don't work here".

    1. I usually only have several grocery items and hate waiting behind people with overflowing baskets to use a conventional lane. At the grocery stores I go to, if you pick the right self checkout you can have a nice conversation with the monitor while you're scanning your items.

    2. I realized I mistyped. I should have said credit union. There are lots of tellers. Terry uses a bank and there are no tellers. It's all automated. I would hate that.

  5. Your Dad feels like so many of us Seniors, we come from a different Time and Era where Socialization was far more valued and cherished than mere Convenience. I totally understand his Sentiments and understand why a lot of Younger Generations don't or simply can't relate to how we are and what we value. Times have changed, I prefer not to accept nor embrace all of the changes, I just do some things as I've always done them and prefer them.

    1. Oooops, just realized you reposted this and it wasn't YOUR Dad, sorry!

    2. I think that in the end everyone will do what's best for them. I love to talk to people, but I also like to do things as quickly and easily as possible.

  6. Technology can be convenient; like meeting people through blogging. It would have taken ages if all your readers were to meet where you shop or bank or live.

    God bless.

  7. I love this but it's a lost senitment on the young

    1. Probably. I wonder if they'll feel the same way when they're our age?

  8. Interesting post. There is some truth to it. As an older individual I do like the convenience of online banking & shopping but I do like doing activities vs reading about them.

  9. When I first moved from the town where I was born with my ex husband and 3 small children, the bank people were the only ones I knew and spoke to..

    1. Chris, you took me back to when I moved to our first house. Although it was only across town from my old one, it was in a part of the metropolitan area I was completely unfamiliar with.

  10. I thought I already commented. My. 93 year old mother-in-law felt the same way. The people in the bank and supermarket were her social life since most of her friends had passed.

  11. I used to have a coffee mug that read “we shiuld love people and like things” sadly it seems to be the other wat ariund now for many people.
