Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Walk And Read

Several months ago a series of roofed frames appeared in front of the YMCA I go to. Eventually the frames held pages from a child's picture book, and I learned that the installation is a Story Walk.

The goal is to start at the first frame and walk along reading the pages. However, I'm usually scurrying into the building for a fitness class and don't take the time. Today, thanks to light traffic I had a couple extra minutes and did exactly what the installers intended.

After crossing the street from the parking lot I doubled back to the start of the walk. (The frames are covered in glass, and it was hard to get a good photo without a reflection, but I did my best.)

The next frame held the cover of the book.

As I moved from frame to frame I turned the corner from one street to another, passed the entrance to the building, and almost made it down the block to the next intersection before the story concluded. I enjoyed the story of Jabari and his decision to jump off the diving board. After his initial decision he needed a little encouragement from his dad, but (spoiler alert) in the end he did it.

The last frame said another story will be coming soon. I can't wait to see what it is.

Five years ago today: Generate And Fabricate


  1. Isn't that fun!
    We had a story walk like this at a provincial park near us!

  2. That's a neat idea... will pass it on to our library

  3. What a clever and fun idea! Encourages kids to read too!

  4. A companion idea for the Little Free Library's in the neighborhoods.

  5. Are the frames with pages at your height or a child's height?

    1. Thanks for asking, because I should have included that I had to stoop down to capture the photos. They're probably chest high for me.

  6. This is a pretty awesome idea. We have a lot of trails out here that could benefit from this. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Isn't this great? My local community also did this (in a local park along a walking trail by the river) with Chris Hadfield's book, "The Darkest Dark" about his childhood love for space and the night sky.

  8. This is great! I even bet kids who don't enjoy reading that much enjoy this so it is so good on so many levels!
