Sunday, August 4, 2024

Cat-Watching Communal Experience

This afternoon Hubby Tony and I had a great time along with other cat lovers at the latest edition of the Cat Video Fest.

The Video Fest website describes their mission as "Bringing the joy of cat videos to the masses and raising money for cats in need".  At each city they partner with local shelters and donate a portion of the ticket sales to them. In St. Louis the shelter was Tenth Life (which is the organization we foster for).

It was held at the Hi-Pointe Theater, which dates from the 1920s and is the oldest continuously operating single-screen movie theater in the St. Louis area. Tony and I got there right when the doors opened, but there were already several groups of people ahead of us. The event was great for people watching. I love cats, but don't feel the need to wear cat-themed clothing or headbands with attached cat ears like many people who came into the theater. One 20-something young lady even had a huge stuffed cat tail attached to the waistband of her jeans!

Right on time the house lights dimmed. After a series of vintage ads and PSAs about theater etiquette there were several coming attractions trailers before the main event. The Video Fest was a compilation reel of cat videos, all made and submitted by cat lovers, which were grouped by theme-drama, adventure, comedy, documentary, and musicals. Except for the documentaries most of the videos were very short (less than a minute). The audience laughed, groaned, and 'awwed' as one through the event.

All too soon the ending credits came up and the event was over.

Five years ago today: Tasty Tasting Menu Meal


  1. Looks like you had fun at the Fest. It is very good to be in a place with people and laugh together (like it used to be in the cinema).
    Have a nice week!

    1. It's great that I don't feel scared to mingle with groups of people any more.

  2. Were Tom and Jerry there? And Top Cat? Felix? Sylvester? Garfield?

    God bless.

    1. No, the closest they came to a cat celebrity was a couple of Simon's Cat shorts.

  3. I love cats and I’ve had to stop watching cat videos because they motivate me to bring more home with me. I’ve done that before. I’m content with my alpha- female named Susie. I would have had another but she can be conniving and bosses around our lab. She’s awfully possessive of me.

    1. I guess every true cat lover always thinks about having more kitties :-)
