Friday, December 15, 2023

Why Not Rewear?

Now that Hubby Tony has his ankle splint replaced with a boot it's opened up the possibility of more motion. He's still being very selective about the activities he does out of the house, but last night we  attended the Christmas party of the organization he's most involved with.

We were assigned to bring a side dish, so I made a double recipe of potato salad bites (with half red and half Yukon Gold potatoes) and arranged them in a repurposed Costco-sized pie container. 

It wasn't until about an hour before the event that I started thinking about what I was going to wear. I used to have several Christmas-themed shirts, but eventually it wasn't worth it to hang on to those limited use items. I climbed into my closet and started looking around. After several unsuccessful attempts I came up with the combination of a red shawl lapel cardigan sweater over a black tee shirt. At the last minute I stuck on a vintage plastic snowman pin. With a pair of nice jeans and comfort dress shoes I was as set as I could possibly be.

Over the course of the night I couldn't believe the number of people who complimented me on my outfit! I decided to reuse the top part of it for a get together I had this morning. Iswapped out last night's fancy jeans and dress shoes for regular jeans and tennies. Once again I got a bunch of compliments.

There's one more event Tony and I will probably attend next week. There will be absolutely no overlap in the attendees, so I just might wear the shirt, sweater, and pin combo again. The event is a little dressier, but I can always wear dress pants...


  1. I just love getting multiple uses out of a wardrobe piece, especially one that I can dress up a little or down a little. Getting compliments is an added bonus.

    1. My goal is to have everything in my closet able to have multiple uses.

  2. Nothing better than a red blazer or sweater and black anything or jeans. I have a red blazer I have worn with a skirt, jeans, pants. Smart to put on the Xmas pin for the holiday party. I bet you looked great in all 3 ways. :-)

    1. I love the red/black combo, but it just didn't feel like a holiday outfit without something that screamed Christmas :-)

  3. Lovely bright colour -Christine

  4. Funny, I have that same vintage snowman pin. It came from Hallmark.

    1. Really? I can't remember buying it, so it must have been a gift.

  5. " repurposed Costco-sized pie container"
    So there were going to be 3 or 400 people there?

    1. About 150 in attendance. I always like to bring something that will feed quite a few people, and the container was crammed with about 30 small potato halves.

  6. How lovely to be complimented! I'm sure you looked lovely.

  7. Red and black is a classic combination and it usually makes the person wearing it, look good and elegant.

  8. Red is good for Christmas. In the street it stops traffic.

    God bless.

    1. Good thing I didn't try to cross the nearest major street.

  9. Lovely ensemble for the holidays. I have a red silk blouse I pull out at this time of the year and wear it with a variety of jackets I have. I don't have jeans that leave the house so haven't tried that pairing.

    1. Although I have multiple pairs of black dress pants, none of them was quite right for either event.

  10. Those potato bites are such a great idea to Bring to a party!! I think your outfit looks lovely and such a beautiful bright red.

  11. That outfit is to "die for"... what a wonderful red !! Not too"blue" not too "orange". BTW I discovered "hot cocoa" pods for our Keurig in Target.. not as flavorful as yours but fill the bill!!

    1. I hadn't thought about why I like the sweater so much, but you're right! It's the perfect red.

  12. Love the sweater. Very pretty.
    I often wear the same thing over and over,
    regardless of who sees me. I just love simple.
    So much so, that I bought several of the same
    black shirt and jeans and often wear them
    days in a row at work. Simple for the win!
    Then in the summer, I have the same style
    dresses, in various colours. Simple works for me.
    I never want to put too much thought into it.
    Dress. Go. Get home and into my jammies!
