Wednesday, December 27, 2023

An Obnoxious Visitor

Late last week my intestinal system started churning. Then the churning turned into full-fledged viral gastroenteritis (AKA stomach flu).  Since then I've been on a roller coaster:

  • Day One was a complete loss, I ate dry toast, applesauce, and bananas, sipped tea and hot water, and spent most of the time napping on the couch. 
  • On Day Two my stomach was feeling better. I expended my diet to include chicken soup and crackers. There were no intestinal issues after I snuck in a couple spoonfuls of yogurt, so I had a mid-afternoon snack and a conventional dinner. But it turns out the virus wasn't finished with me yet. Overnight the symptoms reappeared with a vengeance. 
  • On Day Three I was back to multiple naps and a bland diet. Both got old fast. I wanted to participate in the holiday revelry and holiday food! Because I had taken so many naps my sleep schedule was all messed up, and I tossed and turned for a couple of hours in the middle of the night.
  • Day Four I woke up with an actual appetite, and tentatively enjoyed some of the plainer Christmas goodies. After each meal I waited for my body to rebel, but it didn't. The worst issue was after dinner when my stomach grumbled over a small piece of vegetable lasagna and two slices of Italian baguette, but it didn't insist I needed to spend time in the bathroom expelling the food.  
  • By Day Five the symptoms had pretty much disappeared, but a lot of food still didn't sound appealing. One of them was chocolate, so I know I'm still not completely healthy yet!


  1. This made me hungry. Time for an evening snack!

  2. Sounds awful... glad things are getting better and that you will be able to eat chocolate soon!!

    1. Me too. Chocolate takes me to my happy place.

  3. Oh gosh... I'm so sorry, Kathy. I really hate stomach problems. I keep ginger ale around thinking that will help my tummy if I run into problems.

    1. I'm pretty healthy, so even if I kept ginger ale in the pantry it would probably be expired when I went to drink it.

  4. Oh no Kathy, glad you are better -Christine

  5. The Post made me feel hungry 😂 but sorry to hear that you are not feeling well... healing energy sent from me to you... Dawn the Bohemian

    1. I can already feel your energy halfway across the country!

  6. Oh I'm sorry. I've been having "issues" but so far so good. I made it through the holidays and am feeling great. My issues are not the flu. Every 10 days to 2 weeks I would have a food related issue and now I am over the 2 week mark so happy days are here again.

    1. My fingers are crossed that your issues are gone.

  7. what do I know?
    I thought dairy was always a bad choice in this type of situation.

    1. I believe you're right. However, I was feeling better, the yogurt sounded good (unlike any other type of protein in the house) and I thought some probiotics would be a positive.

  8. Yes, that's the sign, if chocolate is still unappealing to you. Hope you are feeling better!

    1. Thanks. I ate one chocolate mini muffin last night and regretted the decision.

  9. Lots of people and kids have had rounds of intestinal flu. I had it twice in November. I keep soups, gatorade, ginger ale around. No vaccine for that illness, drats. Go a little slower in returning to real food if it strikes you again. Linda in Kansas

  10. That's awful. I'm sorry your Christmas was visited by the stomach flu grinch.

  11. We spent the entire week my son was visiting passing around both gastrointestinal isses and respiratory issues. Gatorade, ginger ale, and homemade chicken soup got us through. Hope you regain your love of chocolate soon.

    1. The vast majority of my time is 'normal' (non-holiday or special events). I always wonder why viruses and germs have to show up when they're most unwanted.

  12. My solution to any digestive discomfort is soda water. I aways keep a bottle in the fridge.

    1. So plain carbonated water? I'll keep that in mind, and could do that with our Soda Stream machine
