Monday, December 11, 2023

The Next Step

Today Hubby Tony had his ankle surgery follow up appointment. The technician removed the splint and stitches. The surgeon came in and said the incisions were healing nicely. Tony left with a walking boot that he can take off to shower. However, he still has to use his knee walker (no weight bearing for three more weeks) before he gradually starts putting weight on his foot.

We celebrated by stopping by the mall to walk around a little bit, then got lunch on the way home.


  1. I’m glad it’s all healing and all he has to do is stay off it. Things are looking up ⬆️

  2. My poor son broke his foot while in college, at a large sprawled out campus. I had to rent him a knee walker and that thing was a life saver. Don't know how he could have gotten to his classes without it.

    1. Even in our smallish condo the knee walker has been a game changer. Tony can put things in the pouch and not rely on my help so much.


  3. Thanks for the update! -Christine

  4. I didn't know ankle surgery made you lose your hair!

    1. That is probably a result of living with me :-)

  5. I've wanted to play with one of those knee walkers, even without breaking anything! Glad it's healing nicely. Linda in Kansas

    1. I know...I think it would be fun too. Our unit is carpeted, but yesterday on a tile surface he was really zooming along.

  6. So glad that things are healing nicely. Fun celebration to boot. No pun intended.

  7. Hooray.. progress is on its way!! May it continue!

  8. lookin' good. He is a good sport to "walk" around the mall. Not sure I'd choose that adventure. :-)

    1. Other than medical facilities he hadn't been out in public since the beginning of November. We thought about places that would be easy to get into and navigate. When we arrived the stores weren't open yet, and after they were very few people were there.

  9. Good to hear things are moving along. Much of your reporting sounds like my son-in-law's mother's progress, however her surgery was done at the time she went to the emergency room. Her break was probably more serious, though, as her ankle was completely detached from her foot. It took pins and a "plate" to put her back together. She was supposed to start intense physical therapy the week after Thanksgiving, but I've not heard any updates.

    1. That sounds like a horrible break. I hope she is able to recover completely.

    2. Checked in with the other grandma and she is doing very well. Her break and surgery happened on Labor Day. She is now able to walk without a crutch, cane, or boot. She is being careful and says that one thing that is bothersome is that she finds herself favoring the injured foot and it causes a limp so she has to constantly make herself aware of that. She has more therapy lined up that can help with that.

    3. This isn't the first time I've heard about someone 'babying' a body part after an incident. Definitely something to keep in mind.

  10. That's what my sister in law is using to get around on her healing ankle.
