Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Sometimes It's Actually Helpful...

to go down video-watching rabbit holes.

I was wrapping presents and discovered I was out of small boxes. However, I remembered a video that showed how to use one side of a shirt box to make a downsized one. The system worked like a charm.

I'm sure you're already finished with your holiday preparation, but just in case you still have some wrapping to do here's a tutorial.

Five years ago: Giving For The Sake Of Giving


  1. I love a good video rabbit hole. I always learn new things. Happy Christmas!

  2. Instagram has great wrapping videos too.

  3. My Grandkids have learned so much from Online Tutorials. Whatever you want to Learn, seems they have Instruction for it, which is Wonderful IMO. This is why so many of the Young Girls can put Makeup on like a Pro, back in my Day we looked like Clowns... no Clue on how to apply our War Paint. *Smiles*

    1. I got all my makeup instruction from Glamour magazine :-)
