Friday, December 29, 2023

Today I Learned...

This afternoon I was walking through the neighborhood and came across a very unusual Christmas inflatable.
Bawk! Bawk!

I'm used to seeing Santa, reindeer, snowmen, trees, pop culture characters, and even the occasional religious icon blow up. I have never encountered a rooster.

When I got home I searched the internet for 'Christmas rooster' and found out that what I saw might be unusual in my area, but common in others because it's a popular icon in Latin American and Spanish cultures. 

According to tradition, the rooster crowed at midnight on the night when Jesus was born. For that reason in Hispanic countries the midnight mass on Christmas Eve is called Misa del Gallo (or Mass of the Rooster).

Five years ago: Repair Or Replace


  1. Never knew that -Christine

  2. This is the first I've heard of this. Interesting.

  3. Thanks for researching that rooster's shenanigans! I've never heard about the rooster, except for the pretty feral ones on some parts of Hawaii. Linda in Kansas

    1. I've never heard of those Hawaii birds. Off to do some research.

  4. That's interesting. HOwever, the blow up decors now so popular make me want to pop them, not sure why. Don't worry, I never do.

    1. I would never have one of those in my yard. They're noisy and probably use up a lot of electricity.

  5. This was fun! I've never seen one of these before or known about the custom. What fun!

  6. So interesting. I had no idea and never saw that type of inflatable before. Have a wonderful New Year!!

  7. That's a new one for me. I could never live around roosters, I'm not a morning person. Years ago I got pissed off by noisy chipmunks outside.

    1. I find that if a noise is regular I eventually learn to ignore it. However, things in short bursts (like roosters crowing) is very stressful.

  8. Cultural associations are so interesting, aren't they? I think the Christmas Rooster is Fun, it makes me Smile. One of our Neighbors has so many Inflatables on his Acreage that every Square Inch is covered, when our Lights ever dim we joke it's due to the Electricity he's pulling off the Grid. *Ha ha*

    1. I have no desire to have an inflatable, so I've never researched it, but I would think that they use quite a bit of electricity.

  9. Although we live in a large Hispanic community, I had not seen the rooster around here, but while in the Bay Area this past week, also with large Latin numbers, we did see the "Santa Rooster" as Terry and I called it. I bet your kids have seen them in their communities.

    1. Aha! I had hoped that one of my commenters would be able to verify the tradition that Wikipedia assured me was true.

  10. Well, I gotta say. That's a new one for me. Never saw Turkey Santa!
