Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Cups Of Cacao

According to the National Day Calendar, December 13th is National Cocoa Day. Time for tasty chocolate drinks! A couple of local places were offering specials for the day, but Hubby Tony and I chose to celebrate by having a personal cocoa tasting event at home.

I bought four different flavors of cocoa mix from a display at the grocery store.

After dinner I heated water and prepared each flavor in a cup.

Tony and I each started our sampling with the flavor we thought would be the best (Chocolate Supreme for me and Raspberry for him). After that all of it was fair game. When all the cocoa was gone, I decided that Chocolate Supreme was indeed my favorite. Tony thought the Hazelnut came out on top.


  1. I didn't know about National Cocoa Day. It's not even 8PM yet. There's still time to celebrate.

    1. When I went upstairs, Claudia was doing it! Our house participated!

    2. Wow! Great minds definitely think alike.

  2. It's also Taylor Swift's birthday! Bet she had hot chocolate with raspberry schnapps in it, my favorite, made with milk, not water. And marshmallows. Linda in Kansas

    1. I had no idea! Hot chocolate with raspberry schnapps with marshmallows sounds much more gourmet than what we drank :-)

  3. Sounds fun! -Christine

  4. I've often done a similar tasting event with whisky.

    God bless.

  5. Ohhhh, I have such good memories of my hot chocolate days with Land O'Lakes. Great fun. Great fun indeed. Cheers!
