Sunday, November 26, 2023

I'll Never Know What Happened

This afternoon I left the house to run a couple of errands. The first stop was the grocery store, which is the anchor tenant in a small strip mall. The other stores are to the right and across the parking. The lot was very busy, and I had to drive almost to the end of a row before I found a space in the row next to the strip mall shops.

The car next to mine had the passenger door wide open, but the vehicle was unoccupied. I looked around and didn't see anyone who might have come from the car. There are a couple of fast food places in the strip; maybe the driver and passenger rushed in and the passenger forgot to close their door?

I was in too much of a hurry to think about the issue any more. I walked across the parking lot to the post office and dropped off some envelopes, then came back and did my grocery shopping. I was probably gone about 20 minutes. When I returned to my vehicle the next-door car passenger door was still open.

This time I decided to take action. I looked up the municipality's non-emergency public safety number, called, and explained the situation. The dispatcher asked for my name and the number I was calling from, then said they would contact an officer.

I left and went to Sam's Club. Counting driving, parking, shopping, and checkout time I was there for a little under a half hour. On the way home I was nosy enough to swing back by the grocery store lot. The car was still there, but this time the passenger door was closed.

I'll never know what happened.

Five years ago today: Packages On Porch


  1. My guess, a kid got out of that side of the car and the parent didn't notice they didn't close the door. I think I would have closed it the first time I saw it, but that's just me.

    1. I've seen too many police procedurals, and have too active of an imagination, to just close the door :-)

  2. We left our door open one time and didn't realize it. We found out hours later and were so surprised that it was open. It was probably innocent but good your reported it.

    1. Reading your comment, I also wondered about the effects of an On interior light on a battery.

  3. A mystery that will not be solved.

  4. I hope nothing got stolen from the car.

  5. You could always call the police department and see if they'll tell you. They may not know either! Linda in Kansas

    1. That would be an interesting experiment, but doubt it will make it to the top of my to-do list.

  6. You did your best by calling. -Christine

  7. Thankfully, there was not more car doors open.

    God bless.

  8. Good for you for getting help. Too bad you'll never know what was going down...

  9. Maybe an officer came by and just shut the door?

  10. Once I left my garage door open back when I had 3 little boys. We dashed out of the house to do errands. When I came back the police was there - they were just about to leave and told me. They actually went inside my house and thought that my house had been ransacked. I sheepishly told them, that I have 3 little boys and that is how my house looks in the morning after a weekend. Kinda embarrassing at the time.

    So now to this day I always make sure the garage door goes down and back then, after all of this I made sure my house was picked up on Monday morning.

    You did good by calling the police. I bet a kid left the door open. But you're right, we'll never know.

    1. For many years the neighborhood culture was to leave the garage door open so people would know you were home. I miss those days. That would never happen now.

  11. Wow. I never would have thought to call the police. I would have closed the door or assumed someone stole the packages in an unlocked car.

