Monday, November 20, 2023

Contribution And Cone

Scouting For Food is an annual program of the Boy Scouts of America that collects for for local food banks. It began in the Greater Saint Louis Area Council in 1985, but now it takes place all over the country. 

On a weekend in mid-November Scouts distribute plastic bags with instructions to fill them with non-perishable food and put them out the next weekend for pick up. After the bags are picked up the food gets sorted, packed up and delivered to local food banks. 

We've lived in our condo for three years, and I've learned that the Scouts don't deliver bags to the apartment-style building. Two weekends ago I was out walking and saw a group of Cub Scouts putting bags on front doors. Several adults were standing on the sidewalk supervising the group, and I asked them for a bag

This past weekend was the bag pick-up, but I knew that wouldn't happen. Instead, I researched drop-off locations and found out that both a local grocery store (Dierberg's) and a fast-food restaurant (Lion's Choice) were accepting bags. The closest branches of both were a little over a mile from my house, and right across Manchester Road from each other. 

I'm at Dierberg's on a regular basis, so I decided that Lion's Choice would be a nice change of pace. And as an added bonus, while I was there I treated myself to a 50-cent mini cone.


  1. That is a good food program and great that you went out of your way to contribute to it, and treated yourself to the ice cream. That is a low price for a cone!

    1. The cone is only a couple of inches tall. 'Mini' is a very accurate description.

  2. My biggest problem is remembering to put the bag out. The mistake I made in the past was putting it on the calendar on Saturday. Friday! Put it on the calendar on Friday! They got their canned goods this year.

    And I don't remember how many bag drop off and can pick up runs I did years ago.

    1. My system was to put the bag right in front of the door on Friday night so I would see it first thing Saturday and put it out.

      I did a fair number of drop off and pick ups (from front porches), too. Never delivered bags to the central location.


  3. Kathy, thank you for visiting my blog the other day. I also thank you for leaving a nice comment. Your visits are a gift to me.

    1. This Scouting for Food annual program is a wonderful idea. I wish we had it in our area.

    2. Dellgirl, you may have something similar. I think the program goes by several names.

  4. Good for you Kathy and the cone was a deserved treat -Christine

  5. I don't know if the scouts do it here but the post office does. They collect thousands of pounds of food for the food banks.

    1. Our post offices collect in the spring. We leave the bags on the ground next to the mailbox for pick up.

    2. I almost feel sorry for the mail people trying to handle the mail and the bags of food in an already full truck. And then how does someone with a walking route handle it?

  6. We have food banks here in the UK too. God bless.

    1. Sadly, I think that food banks are worldwide.

  7. I prefer food banks to the boy scouts, but I certainly approve of your little added bonus treat.

    1. We donate to multiple food drives during the year, but I have fond memories of working with my boys on the Scout one. It will always have a place in my heart.
