Monday, July 8, 2024

Murphy's Laundry Law

I have a nice collection of shirts in my closet. For some reason the only ones I spill food on are the light colored ones.

Two weeks ago I bought a white tee at Sam's Club. The first time I wore it I ended up with a blob of salsa right in the middle. I treated the spot, then immediately washed the shirt. When I pulled out of the washer there was still an obvious red spot. I treated the area again, this time with a bleach solution. I rinsed the bleach out, and put the shirt back into the laundry. The second time was the charm for removing the stain.

Yesterday I was wearing that shirt again, and got pasta sauce in approximately the same place. This time I wasn't at home to treat it, but a couple of hours later I squirted stain remover liberally on the spot, then saturated a piece of paper towel with remover and set it on top of the stain to soak overnight. I ran the shirt through the washer, and fortunately the shirt came out ready to wear again.

This afternoon I went out to lunch at a hot pot restaurant. I was wearing a light pink shirt, and if you guessed that I got broth splatters on it you would be correct. This time there were about a half dozen red blobs of tom yum broth all over the front. The first thing I did when I got home was change shirts, then I treated the spots with both stain remover and dish detergent and let the concoction sit for a while. Thankfully the stains came out in the wash.

Tomorrow I think I will wear a black shirt. That way I won't spill anything on it, and there will be no extra efforts needed before it goes into the laundry.

Five years ago today: Sleepytime Breathing


  1. You need an old people bib.

  2. I used to laugh at people wearing table napkins tucked in at the neck - now I think it makes sense!

  3. I found an easy solution. Instead of treating the stain and try to wash it off, I use a small pair of scissors and carefully cut the stained material out of the shirt. It totally disappears.

    God bless.

    1. In my case some of those cuts would have led to some interesting skin showing :-)

  4. Oh Kathy this is my life. Thank you. I feel less alone.😃

  5. Is the Universe trying to tell you something?

  6. Oh no on those spills! -Christine

  7. That happens to me whenever I wear a light colored shirt, too! Woudn't it be nice if adult sized bibs became all the rage?

  8. That was so funny! Tom yum broth on your shirt! 😄
    I’m just gonna come right out and say it - Time for a bib!

  9. I wore a light blue knit top a few weeks ago and did NOT know I had splattered some sauce on it until I washed, dried, and hung it up. They were small and light enough that I did wear the top again but treated those tiny spots before washing it. I have found Dawn dishwashing liquid does a great job getting out spots. It worked even for those that had already been run through the dryer. Clean top!

  10. I splattered my dinner on myself the other day. sigh.

  11. I swear I need to be wearing a bib around at this point in life. Good job getting those stains out.

  12. This sound very familiar to me. At home there is a large bib that is often deployed. I wonder if there is some psychological issue with this since the mind knows there's a clean shirt below. Nervous reaction? It happens to me and a few of my adult children.

    1. I wondered about the psychological aspect, too.

  13. My husband often asks why I chose darker colored shirts. My reason is the same as yours. I swear each time he has gifted me a nice pastel color the first time I wear it often turns into my last. If I wear an older shirt I don't care about there are never spills.
