Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Plague Or Pollen?

Since I'm not leaving the house on a regular basis, I'm in a bit of a time warp. From the windows at the front of my condo all I can see is grass, evergreens, and some later-blooming bushes and trees. From that vantage point it certainly doesn't look like Spring.

However, the calendar says it's April. The past few days I've heard the birds chirping when I roll out of bed, and open the windows for a couple of hours in the warmest part of the afternoon. I took a walk through the neighborhood after lunch today and noticed that in the Bradford pear and redbud trees have started blooming. Several houses that I passed were having their lawns cut, and the smell of the fresh mown grass was delightful. I don't have any diagnosed allergies, but all of a sudden my nose was running from something, which caused a nasty case of postnasal drip, which started up a little hacking cough.

In a normal world no one would think twice about a little hacking cough. Today, however, the two people I passed on my way back home gave me an apprehensive look before they hustled away. I probably would have done the same thing.

Five years ago today: Male-Centric


  1. That's the part of spring that is not fun, the allergies.

  2. I normally have a cough because of my hyper-sensitivity to smells/odors. People pass wearing cologne or smoking and I go hack hack hack for hours. I sometimes wonder what our apartment neighbors think right now when they hear me do that lol (although most of them know about my problem anyway). Keep well Kathy!

    1. If I knew someone coughed all the time in the regular world, I wouldn't worry as much about them.

  3. I feel embarrassed if I'm out and sneeze or cough and try to quell it, until my eyes run, but this time of year, I have allergies and there's no denying it. Plague or Pollen? Right now, its pollen got me sniffling.

    1. My allergy issues are mild enough that I usually try to go without medicating them. Not now, though! I'm popping that pill as soon as I think I will be going outside.
