Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Know Your Partner

Before the world went into quarantine Hubby Tony and I lived pretty busy lives. He went to the office every day. I kept myself busy keeping the house in shape, cooking, and doing work assignments. We both had multiple volunteer commitments and meetings.

Then all of a sudden there was no work for me to do, Tony started working from home, meetings changed to video conferences, and commitments disappeared. No longer did we need to have a detailed conversation to find out about each other's day. Now, since Tony's working just one room over I know when he 'leaves for the office' and 'gets home', when he eats lunch (and what he had to eat), and if he talked to any of his co-workers. I don't do anything during the day that he doesn't know about.

I decided that it would be interesting to come up with a set of conversation starters we could use when we ran out of every day subjects. Google gave me a lot of hits, but many of the lists were for people who were just getting to know each other...or the topics were too deep for what I had in mind. After a lot of searching, I found the post 100 Funny and Random Questions to Ask Your Husband. I printed out the questions and put them on the corner of the dining room table. Now some nights after dinner we will ask each other a question or two.

We had to get a little creative with some questions (for example, we substituted the word album into What was your first CD and when did you get it) and completely skipped others (We were together when we got our first cell phones, so there's no need to ask about them), but now I know what Tony would do if he woke up to find himself completely invisible, if he was in a witness protection program what his new name would be and where he would live, his favorite smell, and what he thinks phones will be like in 10 years. He now knows about something I always wanted to do as a child and never got to, the dumbest thing I've ever cried about, what country I would never want to visit, and what fashion trend I wish would come back.

The questions have led to some great discussions, which to me was the whole idea.

Five years ago today: Another Thing Crossed Off The Bucket List


  1. This sounds like a great idea, especially since my husband keeps trying to tell me about a news account he’s read that’s so interesting that I’ve already read.

  2. These questions are so cute. I am a widow so can't do this with my hubby. My dog Bounce wouldn't be interested in the questions.

    1. It's a shame Bounce couldn't have an opinion. I'm sure it would be fascinating to hear it.

  3. That is a great idea!
    What a great trip!
    I hope you have a great day.

  4. And if you ever run out of topics to discuss you can always talk about Einstein's Theory of Relativity, the speed of light relative to our position and speed in space, and if you keep the window open does the heat escape from the house or the cold enter the house? If both, then what is the relative volume and speed of exchange between the two and how does it affect the overall temperature of the house?

    See? Easy conversations to pass the time.

    God bless.

    1. If we started one of those discussions I would probably fall asleep :-)

  5. Ohhh, what fashion trend do you want back? How fun. I hope you get to do the thing that you never got to do.

    1. I love how my boot cut jeans fit, but they're starting to fall apart. I NEED to get new ones!

  6. Love the questions. I sort of did a version of this when the kids were young, I'd watch the news and the papers for "believe it or not" true stories and share them at dinner. We had quite a few laughs that way.

    1. I wish I would have thought of something like that back in the day.

  7. This is sweet. As horrible as all this has been, to hear some silver-lining stories ... fills my heart. And we'd not have gotten this chance otherwise.

    1. Thanks. You're right about grabbing all the chance opportunities we can and making the most of them.
