Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Not-So-Great Day

April 15th is, among other things, That Sucks Day. Holiday Insights says:
Bruce Novotny, the creator of That Sucks Day, established this day to be celebrated on April 15th, as there are a number of major events in history that suck... on this date. They include: Tax day, the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, and the sinking of the Titanic.
Although thanks to the Coronavirus Tax day has been postponed, there's enough bad things going on in the world today that the designation seems very appropriate.


Five years ago today: Slow No More


  1. I like it. Good description of several of my days of late.

  2. 16 April "It's a Good Day Day" (as proclaimed by Teri). I've found within myself an attitude adjustment was desperately needed. It is far too easy to find the discouraging, the sad, the angry. I'm staying 'informed' with as little info as possible. No need for gory horrible details. No need to hear about someone dying alone last words.

    How about ol' Capt Tom in England? We had our first hummingbird yesterday! My lilacs, wisteria, and azalea are going nuts. The turkey toms have "it" bad... gobble, gobble, gobble and the hens aren't impressed ~ yet. Himself made homemade chocolate pudding last night.

  3. How about that? I've never heard of this day before. Now I know. The cartoon is cute.

    1. I think you can never go wrong with A. A. Milne.
