Friday, September 15, 2023

Fun Emoji Combinations

Do you know about Google Emoji Kitchen? It's a way to merge two emojis and then use them.

The process is easy. The first step is to go to and search for Emoji Kitchen. Next, click on the Get Cooking button.

From the list of available emojis, click on two. They will show up in the first boxes, and the merge will be in the box on the right. There's an option to share your creation via email or social media, or you can right click to copy or save the image.

Sometimes combining two similar emojis came up with different results. For example, joining the newspaper and bear together featured the animal above the fold on the front page. Newspaper and dog had the dog carrying the paper in its mouth.

Combining grinning face with open mouth showing upper teeth and pink hearts yielded hearts with open mouthed smiles. Swapping out the face for pumpkins gave pumpkins with hearts floating above them.

I had a great time wasting time experimenting with the site. If you decide to play with it what do you think?

Five years ago today: Wanted: Cookies


  1. This looks like a delightful way to spend time this afternoon. Thanks, Kathy!

  2. I'm assuming you had time to do this while recuperating...

    1. When I realized I was germy and couldn't go anywhere I got angry at myself because I wasn't making progress on my computer-based projects. Then I realized they wouldn't have gotten done if I had left for the weekend anyway and gave myself permission to do little of substance--like mindless internet activities :-)

  3. Experimenting! That's what I do! I experiment!

  4. This is a fun way to amuse yourself. Good for you.

  5. Sounds like fun time pass dear Kathy
