Sunday, April 7, 2024

Now You Can Know, Too

When I was driving to work today I passed a house that had a HAPPY UNICORN DAY banner. There were also some colorful lumps on the grass next to the sign. They didn't look like trash, so I wondered if they might be deflated inflatables.

I had no idea there was a unicorn day, but my interest was piqued. Later I did a Google search and found out it is coming up on April 9th. (There's a day for everything!) After I satisfied my curiosity about the day I started clicking through on some of the People Also Ask questions and found out these additional random facts:

  • If you call someone or something a unicorn it means it is rare and highly valued.
  • The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
  • A unicorn birther is a woman who reaches near complete dilation with infrequent contractions and little discomfort.

  • In the business world, a purple unicorn describes a candidate that completely meets all the requirements for a job. They are rare and almost mythical.
  • In myths the unicorn is portrayed as male. In the modern times, it is depicted as a female. The gender fluidity makes it a symbol of the LGBT community.
  • In the dating world a unicorn is an individual who joins a couple as their third partner.
  • In the Renaissance a unicorn was a symbol of virginity and purity.
  • Unicorn milk refers to something that doesn't actually exist.
Do you know of any more?
Five years ago: The Fix


  1. There really is a day for everything. I didn't know about Unicorn Day. My faves are Waffle Day, Pancake Day and Doughnut Day. Delightful.

    1. It doesn't surprise me that your favorite "days" involve food :-)

    2. lolololololol. You just got a real-life lol from me. lolololol

  2. Unicorns poop rainbows and fart rainbow glitter. That's all I know!

  3. Interesting -Christine

  4. First time ever heard of unicorn day...sounds fun and interesting.

  5. A unicorn is a cob of corn with one kernel on it.

    1. HA! You win the prize for the best comment (so far).

  6. They all sound a bit dubious! I'm definitely not sure about Scotland. I shall have to check.

  7. I checked: it's true! Who'd have thought it?

    1. How could you possible doubt something on the Internet. Isn't everything true? :-)

  8. Then again in Wales we have the dragon . . .

  9. I always knew unicorns were useful for something. I mean, being a national symbol is something, isn't it?

    1. Jabblog, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I'm off to read at your little corner of the internet.
