Thursday, April 11, 2024

Breaking Off Branches

Bush honeysuckle is a non-native invasive plant. There are several places along my regular walking routes where thickets of the weed bushes have popped up. I can ignore them except when the plant encroaches onto the sidewalk and makes it hard to get through.

I've figured out that the branches are so thin and weak that I can break them off as I walk by without even breaking stride. Most of the clumps are in common ground (not someone's yard), but even if they belonged to someone I figure that anything that's in my way is fair game. It's really satisfying to tear off the pieces so I don't have to duck under or weave around them, then throw a whole handful back into the thicket.

Five years ago today: Veggie Dog


  1. I think that you are doing a good thing -Christine

  2. If I run into branches on a regular basis that are hanging over the sidewalk, I'll carry some pruners with me the next time.

  3. You must feel like a jungle explorer when you do that, lol!

    1. I hadn't thought about it that way, but you're right!

  4. lol on Debra's Jungle Explorer. That's funny. Here we have Garlic Mustard. Not native and invasive. On the sunny side, it tastes good!

    1. One of the units on my street has some garlic mustard plants. When I pull weeds out of the retaining wall plants there are dozens of volunteer garlic mustards there. I wouldn't think about eating them, because the area is too close to the road-who knows how much chemicals and exhaust they've taken in.

  5. There is a few areas where I walk I wish I could do that to!

  6. Oh gosh! We had a whole hedge of it when we lived in Illinois. It had pretty pink flowers though.

    1. The invasive kind I see around my area has white flowers. Wonder if it's the same type?

  7. I love the honeysuckle flower that grows on a vine and sort of takes over everything, but I do love the smell. I understand why you want to get rid of it and have found an easy way to do it.

    1. To actually get rid of it would be much more labor intensive. I'm happy just to be able to get it out of my walking path.
