Thursday, March 21, 2024

Efficient Air Expelling

I've now had a croupy cough for the better part of a week. As soon as I think it's getting better I'll get an itchy throat and spend five minutes hacking.

I've tried all the obvious suggestions (medicinal ones like decongestant tablets, cough drops, and Vicks VapoRub) and natural remedies (tea with honey and lemon, hot water straight up, gargling with salt water, steaming my sinuses with a pot of simmering water and a towel draped over my head). All provide just temporary solutions.

I know my symptoms are transient, but right now they're making me miserable. In an effort to come up with something else that might help I've learned that there are actually techniques for effective coughing. 

The first one is a “controlled deep cough”. You start by sitting up straight, with your feet on the floor. Take a deep breath through your nose, hold it for a few seconds, then lean forward slightly, cross your arms over your stomach and cough twice, using your abdominal muscles to expel the air out through your mouth.

The second one is "controlled huff coughing". Sit up straight with your feet on the floor and lift your chin. Exhale slowly, then take a deep breath through your nose. Hold it for several seconds then force the air out with three rapid huffs (like you're breathing to clean a pair of glasses).

The techniques are helping, but I really can't wait for the day when I'm not coughing any more!

Five years ago: First Day Of Spring Color


  1. I hope you'll be able to shake off that cough soon!

  2. Feel better soon! I hate those coughs.-Christine

    1. Coughs that drag on and on are so annoying.

  3. You need to stay out of places where there are large gatherings of people. For the year or two.

  4. so many people around here sick, again and again, or with strange things, like ear infections are going around for some reason.

    1. I've never heard of ear infections being contagious.

  5. Good tip! I'm going to show this to Tom and see if it doesn't help his COPD.

  6. Lots of us on this side of Missouri and having the same problem, and it seems to be lasting forever! I just assume it's allergies and gripe about it.


  7. If you've done tests and there is nothing wrong with your lungs, then it's probably some sort of allergy.

    1. You're probably right...but it's unlike any allergy symptoms I've ever had before.

  8. Been here too many times. Hope it's better tomorrow.

  9. I have to admit, I've never heard of techniques for effective coughing, but we're heading into allegry season, so I may just need to try them.

    1. I wondered why the topic hasn't been more publicized.

  10. Even though our doctor told us we don't have to get the RSV vaccine, we decided to get it on Sunday because we keep hearing about so many people with respiratory infections.
    Wow! I had no idea there was a technique for effective coughing.

  11. An article I read from a medical newsletter said that chronic coughs have become prevalent across the country. Much of it is attributed to the pandemic and our staying quarantined and not picking up the various viruses throughout the year that our bodies would routinely slough off, thereby building more immunity. Some of the coughs are attributed to long COVID.

    I've had a tickle in my throat off and on for a few weeks. Sucking on an Altoids mint makes a world of difference. However, this last week, having taken Claritin, my mouth and throat got so dry that I sounded like a croaky frog. The second graders loved the voice and laughed even though I saw nothing funny about it

    1. Interesting about the reasons for increased coughs, and a cute story about your voice.

  12. i think these technics help a lot in coughing even if do not heal it completely .
    i too have done them and felt relived .but if it is viral throat flu ,it is necessary to go to the doctor eventually
