Monday, January 22, 2024

Moving To Music At Home

Just as forecast, our latest round of winter weather arrived overnight. When I opened up the blinds this morning I saw a thin sheet of ice on the road, the driveway, and the roof of the building next to ours. Tiny icicles hung from our gutters and deck railing.

All of the media outlets were telling people to stay home if they didn't have to be anywhere, and I didn't. Yesterday I had cancelled my dinner cooking commitment at the church, and there was nothing else on the calendar. The meteorologists were predicting above-freezing temperatures by early afternoon, but I was content to hunker down inside for the day.

I slept in, thoroughly went though the newspaper, and took the time to completely read each of the blogs waiting for me in my reader. I gave Jackson the Cat some attention, cleaned the bathrooms, did some paperwork, read a little, and made soup for lunch. After all this I was getting a little antsy. 

In the early afternoon I received an email from the gym saying they would be closed all day, but that I could access their On Demand fitness classes, I decided to check them out. Ultimately I ended up using a video for Les Mills (a fitness company) SH’BAM, a cardio class that was new to me.

There were 30 and 45 minute options. I chose the shorter one. The website described the class as "a fun-loving, insanely addictive dance workout." The other Les Mills classes I've participated in change on a regular basis. Based on the information included with the YouTube video, it looked like this one was release 51. 

I haven't been to a dance club for a long time, but it seemed like the music would fit right in there. There were five different people on the stage-two women and three men. Each track was led by a different instructor, who introduced two or three moves and repeated them throughout the track.  Eventually the moves ramped up (maybe a light jog instead of a walk, or larger arm movements).

 In the right space I think the class would have been fun, but I had some issues. I started in house shoes, but quickly realized that there was enough jumping around that something with more arch support would be better. However, it was hard to do the turning moves on the carpeted floor with shoes. Eventually I just decided to make my own movements in time with the music, figuring that being active was the main goal.

Five years ago: Let Freedom Ring 2019


  1. I prefer to just walk instead. I can never follow along in those classes.

    1. Walking is my favorite, too, but it's hard to do in a two bedroom condo when you can't get outside.

  2. Quick thinking on your part and, I agree with you that . . . being active was the main goal. Way-to-Go, Kathy!

  3. You should have videoed yourself doing the burpees. You did do the burpees, right?

    1. I'll do a set of burpees right after you show me the proper form :-)

  4. I envy your motivation as I sit here like a giant slug on my sofa after watching two episodes of Yellowstone! Could be why my body has to aclimate to my activity in the Spring. I just have too little space .... that's my story and I am sticking to it!

    1. I completely understand the 'too little space' issue!

  5. Wow - great pic of the icicles which I don't see here in Florida. So nice that they offers On Demand fitness classes. At least it is an option in bad weather..Hope you have a great week.

    1. And I bet you aren't sad at all that you can't experience icicles in person.

  6. When the Weather is inclement I can't motivate myself to do much, so bravo to you for being motivated to do anything when it's crappy outside.

    1. Sometimes it's REALLY hard to kick myself in the butt, but I always feel so much better after I've done something active.

  7. I think you were wise. It's been tough getting motivated. You did well.
