Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Complimentary Coffee Complications

Hubby Tony's broken ankle is on the road to recovery. For the past four weeks he's been navigating life with a walking boot and crutches, each week increasing the percentage of his body weight he can put on his leg. Yesterday he came home from physical therapy and told me he now had the okay to go to 100 percent of his body weight, as long as he was wearing his boot.

His therapist told him that the more he moves around the stronger his leg muscles will get, so he's back to trying to get daily walks. Today he was anxious to get out and about without a crutch. His therapist suggested inside walks (that way there would be no terrain obstacles) but Tony said he was tired of going to the mall. He threw out driving halfway downtown to the IKEA store, and then going across the street to a food hall for dinner. Any time I don't have to cook works for me!

On the way to the garage it was quite strange to see Tony walking down the hall without crutches and navigating the stairs easily. When we got to the store the parking lot was almost empty, and there were only a few people in the store. I knew that we could get a substantial number of steps in the store; from the entrance to the exit along the path is a mile; since we meandered off the path our walk was even longer.

After we navigated both levels of the store we decided it would be easier to just grab dinner at IKEA restaurant. With the IKEA Family card we got discounts on our entrees and a free hot drink. There was no decaf available, and though I usually don't have caffeine later in the day their coffee was really good-smooth, rich, and flavorful.

We stopped for dessert (ice cream and cookies) on the way home, then watched television until it was time to go to bed. It wasn't until I climbed in that I realized that thanks to the coffee I wasn't really tired yet. I tried all my tricks for falling asleep, but my body wasn't buying it. Tony was having the same issue, and he went in the living room to watch television. I turned on the bedside radio for background noise.

Our NPR station broadcasts programming from the BBC overnight, and the well-modulated British voices are always soothing. However, last night the main focus was discussing the New Hampshire primary. I lost track of the number of times I heard the same Nikki Haley and Donald Trump sound bites. Even the analysts sported an American accent. It was anything but soothing.

I eventually drifted off to sleep, but woke up multiple times. When the alarm went off I was not ready to get up. Tonight's bed time can't arrive soon enough.

Five years ago today: Good For Cats And Children


  1. So glad Tony is almost back to normal. -Christine

  2. I can’t drink any caffeinated beverage after breakfast anymore. My nighttime sleep is very important to me. Caffeine never bothered my sleep when I was young.

    Great to hear that your husband is improving and on the way to a full recovery!

    1. Most days I drink a cup of coffee about 2 pm with no issues.

  3. Good to know that Tony is on the recovery. Drink more homemade bone broth, that helps too!

    1. Great suggestion! I'm sure calcium leaches into the water during the cooking process.

  4. Would you believe I haven't been to the IKEA store yet? My daughter and friends used to drive to Chicago to go to it before they built one here.

    1. If I had to, I could probably go the rest of my life without IKEA shopping. I only go a couple of times a year and if I buy something it's usually under $10.

  5. That free IKEA coffee came back to bite you!

  6. Good news that Tony is almost 100 percent better and that he is able to get around more. We are 5.5 hours from the nearest IKEA but I will make a mental note about the coffee.

    1. I was surprised at just how good the coffee was.

  7. I am grateful that your hubby is recovering speedily by the grace of God!
    Nice to visit mall and have some nice time.
    I felt from my personal experience that coffee or ice cream taken at night affect sleep negatively.
