Monday, January 15, 2024

How Cold Is It?

Although today was forecast to be warmer than yesterday, that's not saying a lot. (the January 14th high was 2° Fahrenheit, the record coldest high for the date. Today the high is forecast to be a balmy 10°.) On the television news weather last night the meteorologist gleefully forecast that these temperatures were so below normal that many of us would never see the extreme again in our lifetimes. I hope he's right.

The chill is even coming inside; the condo its chillier than normal. Rather than turn up the furnace Hubby Tony and I just put on extra layers. The fleece throws hanging over the back of the couch have really come in handy.

Even Jackson the Cat decided he needed some extra warmth. He is not a lap cat; in his 21 years of life I only remember him voluntarily curling up on a lap a couple of times. However, I was sitting at my computer desk in the office when Jackson came in and gave me a couple of ragged meows while looking up at me. I reached down, picked him up, and put him on my lap. He had trouble getting comfortable, but several minutes later was completely settled in.

Jackson's presence made my computer work a lot harder, but I wasn't going to pass on the chance to make him happy. I don't know how long he would have stayed there, but fifteen minutes later I had something to attend to in the other room and lifted him down to the floor. He looked extremely annoyed as he lumbered away.


  1. The sweet weight of a sleeping animal is the best ... well, after the sleeping weight of a baby in your lap or on your shoulder! My son is in Minnesota and I thing their "feel like" temp was 45 below. We had a night of snow last week and i was lovely when I looked out in the morning, but the temp got up to 51 that afternoon! I am not complaining!

    1. After all your years in Missouri you deserve 51 degrees in January!

    2. Almost hate to write this...we are at 54 degrees this afternoon in the San Joaquin Valley. Yesterday reached into the 60s. I am NOT complaining as I do not like to be cold.

  2. The chill is real. Has me looking out the window every morning, upon awakening, to see if it's snowing.

    1. I think the vast majority of the country is experiencing 'something'

  3. I thought the rule was if your pet curls up in your lap you can't move until they leave.

    1. If I had known that he was going to lap sit I would have used the bathroom and taken care of things first :-)

  4. It has been really cold over here should be warmer, about 0 C degree..last few days all minus 6-7C.

    1. I know there are a lot of places that regularly get that cold, but it's all what you're used to.

  5. It is cold everywhere it seems. We should be used to it in Toronto but 16F is chilly. -Christine

  6. We were at minus 10° yesterday morning. Right now it's minus 7°, but Alexa tells me it will get up to 11°. A HEAT WAVE AT LAST!!

  7. Jackson didn't like it when his heating pad moved.

  8. My brother in Idaho is at zero this morning. I saw that its below freezing even in Brownsville Texas. Poor old Jackson seeking out a lap, only to get just a few minutes. I hope that gleeful forecaster is right, that you never see this again in your lifetime. We're at 17 this morning here. And tomorrow its supposed to warm up and rain.

    1. I feel sorry for those Texans. Hope they don't have a recurrence of the power grid failure that happened a few years ago.

  9. I'm watching it all from afar and hoping this doesn't last long. Although I'd rather be cold then hot. But that's just me. My family who lives on Lake Erie and deals with lake effect snow, winds and freezing temps keeps asking me our temps and I don't wish to tell them when I know they have -3 degrees or worse. I feel badly saying it's cold here when to them it's a heat wave. I hope all can keep warm and toasty.

    1. I agree with you on being cold versus hot. I can always put on extra layers to warm up, but there's not much you can do with excessive heat.

  10. Jackson sure knows how to tug at your heartstrings . . . Good for him! Wishing you well, Have a blessed Week!

  11. Unfortunately I believe the global warming we have had in the last decade pushed us into more and more extreme weather both dry and wet, hot and cold.
    I'll visit the ocean but I would never live very close to the beach.
    I guess you have plenty to worry about with your Missouri and Mississippi rivers.

    1. Major rivers can be an issue. We also have a couple of problematic smaller rivers that often cause as much or more damage when they rise.
