Thursday, January 4, 2024

Closet Componant Carting

The office/spare bedroom in our condo has two reach-in closets with sliding doors. When we moved in they became the place we threw unopened boxes and anything that didn't have a better home. Almost four years later, I've decided it's time to start organizing them.

The closet on the left has more of my things, so I'm beginning with it. There are no clothes hanging in there, so I decided to remove the standard closet shelf/bar and install a wire shelving system that would allow for more flexibility. I went as far as charting out what materials I would need, but then the project got moved to the back burner. With the start of the new year I decided to make it a priority.

On New Year's Day I took everything out of the closet. (Most of it got crammed into the other closet in the room, but there's also some things in the master bedroom closet and a couple of boxes in the bedroom.) I took out the old hardware, filled the holes, and painted the walls.

Today I went to the hardware store to purchase the first half of the materials-an upper track and supports to hang from it. The needed support pieces were seven feet long. I knew they would be dangerous sticking out of a shopping cart, so I grabbed a lumber cart.

I've seen the carts before, but before today I've never had a reason to use one. It was an interesting experience.

The cart had six wheels (three on each side with two in the front, two in the center, and two in the back). However, the suspension was pretty much gone, and right rear wheel refused to make contact with the ground. In addition, a couple of the upright pipes were loose so the whole thing rattled loudly.  I finally made it to the closet section of the store, where the cart took up a large portion of the aisle while I stood there and figured out exactly what I wanted to buy. 

My long pieces of metal, two packages of toggle bolts, and two packages of screws looked insignificant on the large cart. Even though they were placed at an angle the ends of the supports still hung over the edge. I rattled my way up to the cash register area, then outside to my car. Once I loaded my things I pushed the cart back to the store and left it for the next person.

Five years ago: Hymns For Every Profession


  1. Replies
    1. I can't believe I forgot to take a 'before' shot, but you can trust that I'll be showcasing the completed product.

  2. "the whole thing rattled loudly" Even the new ones do that.

  3. Isn't it funny about the new year, getting froggy about sorting through stuff.

    1. Something about the fresh start appeals to me.

  4. Happy New Year, Kathy! Best of luck with your closet project!!

  5. You are very industrious. This sounds like a good project, just more than I could ever take on. Wishing you well with quick work and results.

    1. Thank you. Unlike projects in previous years, now I can work on something until it's not enjoyable any more and taking a break instead of powering through even though I'm not having fun.

  6. I've used those carts many times over the years. They get very beat up. I wonder how many other customers get whacked in the shins when people swing too wide on corners.

    1. I would give myself a barely passing grade for cart driving, but at least I didn't actually hit anyone :-)

  7. I used that cart recently when I bought a small packet of paper clips. It was difficult to manoeuvre.

    God bless.

  8. I have GOT to make our Two Sliding Door Reach In Closets in the Master a higher priority too, you've motivated me now. *winks* I do not like the Closets of this Home, I got Spoiled at the McManse, since, it had ridiculous Closets in every Bedroom or Spare Room... they were like Mini Rooms actually and the one in Princess T's Bedroom actually had Windows!!! There are things I do miss about Living Large, I ain't gonna Lie. *Ha ha ha*

    1. As you had posted about your closet woes I actually thought of you as I was removing the very sturdy rod and shelf that were in there. If you lived close I would have given them to you!

  9. I am excited to reimagine the space I will have with an addition, even if HeWho balks at the price! We can't take the money with us when we leave this earth, so why not have a more comfortable life? The new space will let me move the washer/dryer that is stacked in the very short hall leading to my bedroom. I am planning to use that space for a linen closet that is absent in my home. I am tingling with thoughts of the space and where things will go in that 32"!

  10. New year is a good time for sorting and starting.
