Friday, June 10, 2022

From Adventure To Misadventure

Yesterday Hubby Tony and I were having a great bike ride on a new-to-us greenway. We were at the point farthest away from where our car was parked, getting ready to turn around. I was using my e-bike power assist on the slight incline, when all of a sudden my bike veered too much to the right. I corrected too much to the left, and before I knew it I was on the ground. My head hit the ground so hard I was thankful I had a helmet on.

By the time Tony noticed what was going on I was already back on my feet. The only visible damage was an impressive scrape on my left knee, but of a sudden I was ready for the ride to be over. At a nearby playground we sat on a bench and ate part of our lunch, then headed back towards the car. This time we took a more direct route, and pulled into the parking lot 30 minutes later. 

When we got home we took the bikes off the carrier, and the carrier off the car, then put everything into the storage area. It wasn't until I got upstairs that I realized that my left side hurt, raising my arm made it hurt even more, and leaning over was downright miserable. It was also difficult to take a deep breath. After showering the pain was even more pronounced, and I tried to decide if the symptoms were from a bruise or something more serious. 

I checked the website for an urgent care that's covered by our insurance. It said that all of the nearby locations had at least a dozen people on the waiting list. If I chose to go it would take a long time to get out of there. After waffling back and forth for fifteen minutes I ended up getting in the car. 

Much to my surprise there wasn't much of a wait at all. Either the facility had taken care of the backlog or my symptoms moved me up the triage list. After an examination (including checking to make sure the blow to my head hadn't rattled anything around) and some x-rays I left with a diagnoses of cracked ribs. The diagnosis didn't make my side feel any better, but I had peace of mind that it wasn't something more serious. For the next few days I have permission to take it easy and instructions for doing deep breathing exercises. 

Five years ago today: Am I Blue?


  1. AH the ol' cracked ribs injury that has no solution except wait for them to heal. Been there done that. It's going to be a fun few days.

    1. I'm amazed that a little more than 24 hours the pain has lessened substantially!

  2. Well that was too much excitement on your bike ride; cracked ribs sounds painful. I hope you heal quickly.

    1. I don't do well with too much excitement :-)

  3. Oh, my. You are the second person I know who has a tumble with a bike in the last month. My neighbor fell off of her bike, and she too cracked a rib. She's doing better now, about 3 weeks in. She turned 65 just after the accident. I told her, now that you are getting older, you have to be more careful about falling. That's what my doctor tells me every time I see her.

    1. I think that the more active a person is, the larger the chance a mishap will occur. However, with that being said it's always a good idea to be careful.

  4. I did the same kind of thing on my rollerblades. I'm glad you're (semi)OK, Kathy. Do take their advice and take it easy for a few days. Hope you heal quickly.

    1. Glad to hear from someone with experience.

  5. Glad you went to the urgent care. I've had patients (just briefly) who didn't. Take it easy and be nice to yourself. Linda in Kansas

    1. My fear is always that my symptoms will end up being nothing, and I will have wasted both mine and the urgent care's time.

  6. Broken ribs are so painful, but I'm glad it wasn't worse.

  7. Praying for you and your family right now. God bless.

  8. I hope you heal quickly. I fell at school once and had trouble takinga deep breath for a while. Deep breathing helps you heal.

    1. It feels SO good to take a good deep breath!

  9. Oh Kathy, was not expecting to hear this, so glad you got to urgent care for help.

  10. Ouch! I hope they heal quickly! Thank goodness you were wearing a helmet or this would be a completely different story!

    1. I never ride without a helmet, but keep thinking about how things would have been different if I had been bare-headed.
