Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Nextdoor Neighbor

Last week we got a flyer asking us to join Nextdoor. I had heard of  the company, but after Hubby Tony looked into it he shared that it was a hyperlocal social network where we could do things like read about local events, look for recommendations, and buy/sell things. Tony told me we could use either our exact address or only a street name, which made it feel safer, so I decided to go ahead and sign up.

As part of the sign up process I was asked to give them my spouse's name (sure, why not); select topics I would be interested in following (not, now-maybe later); invite people in my neighborhood (nope-I don't know them); or import my email contacts so they could get an invitation (no way!). Fortunately I could skip all of the questions that bothered me and submit the sign up request.

Soon I had an email telling me I could start using the site, so I spent some time clicking around. It seems to be set up so I can filter by just people in my immediate neighborhood or include others that are nearby. There were people looking for tree trimmers, landscapers, and gutter cleaners. Someone posted a photo of a dog they had seen running loose. There were long discussions about supporting local restaurants and which ones were open for carryout, and whether or not a new proposed elementary school would be a good idea or not.

I already have a couple of things I need local sources for, and I think Nextdoor will help me find them.

Five years ago today: One Person's Trash is Another Person's Treasure


  1. I adore next door most of the time. Once in awhile it can turn into facebook but I posted two request for recommendations today and got many helpful answers. Also local government can post but not comment. Like today there was a post that they were testing all the tornado sirens st eleven and not to be concerned.

  2. Very interesting, it's good you found a helpful resource.

  3. I was the first in our neighborhood to sign in for this social app, which at the time I thought was an excellent idea. Ha! It drives me crazy with all the stuff people complain about. So, I don't read most of the emails I get from our Neighborhood.

    1. I already have too many sites to keep on top of, so my plan was to stop in to this one on an as-needed basis.

  4. Good idea, unlike a meeting, you can remain somewhat anonymous as you scope things out. HeWho would always tell me to sit on my hands and keep my mouth shut when we attended church or school meetings. Otherwise your good idea turns into work for you!

    1. Yes, the person with the suggestion is the one who has to implement it!

  5. I don't use nextdoor because the closest community of people is two miles away. Nice you can find some good in it for you. It's a great app for finding lost pets in your neighborhood though, and is used a lot for that purpose in Oregon areas I've heard.

  6. I’m just saying hi, stopping back by to show my face. I hope you had a nice week. Wishing you a super weekend!

  7. I still get info about my old neighborhood, that we moved out of 6 years ago.
    I enjoy reading and getting updates.
