Saturday, May 18, 2024

Great Song, Surprising Songstress

Most Saturday mornings I take a cycling class at the gym. I enjoy this instructor's choice of music, which is mostly a combination of rock with an occasional disco, country, or techno song thrown in. I know the vast majority of them, and can even sing along in my head, which helps me forget I'm working hard.

This morning she used a rap song that was new to me. I don't listen to Top 40 hits so I didn't recognize the male voice (which turned out to be Pitbull), but the female one was unmistakable-Dolly Parton!

What do you think?

Personally, I wouldn't be at all annoyed if this song ended up in the regular cycling class rotation.

Five years ago: Given With Love


  1. I can see how that would make you move! Who knew Dolly had it in her to rap?

  2. Pitbull seems like a sincere guy and Dolly of course is in the pantheon! What an interesting song. Thanks for sharing that honey. Be sure to hydrate don't work out too hard. Aloha!

  3. Love it! Oh, that Dolly -- she's never afraid to embrace something new, like doing a bit of rapping!

    1. I hope I'm as open to new things as she is when I get to be her age.

  4. That would be a long three minutes to be pumping the bike at that speed.

    1. Some of it was at a slower speed, but with 'hill'.

  5. A cycling class at the gym? You all go out cycling in the street? How can you cycle and listen to music? Don't the earphone wires get all tangled up as you cycle away and they are connected back to the gym? Or do you cycle in a circle within a hall?

    God bless.

    1. Good questions from someone unfamiliar with a cycling class :-) The special bikes, which do not move, are arranged in a room facing the instructor, who plays music through a microphone.

      But now I want to take the class on the road.

  6. Such an unusual pairing. But it works so well.

    1. I agree. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
