Friday, May 31, 2024

Unique Illumination

Recently an unexpected package showed up in the foyer of my building. The label had my name on it, but I didn't recognize the sender. When I opened the box a lovely nightlight was inside from Son Tony's family.

The acrylic slab has flower stickers attached to the back, and the a groove in the base has a strip of LED lights that shine up through the clear plastic. There's a convenient on/off switch. The cord ends in a USB connector, which is perfect because the USB hub on my desk had an empty slot.

What the photo doesn't show is what makes the gift extra special. The wood base is personalized with the words 'we love you' and everyone's first name.

Five years ago: Window Washing Workout


  1. How beautiful! What a lovely present.

  2. What a beautiful and thoughtful gift!

  3. Aww so very thoughtful -Christine

  4. Replies
    1. The office gets enough light from the street, but the nightlight is a lovely accent.

  5. Very nice! What a great gift and a great surprise!

  6. Unique one of a kind gift! Very nice.

  7. What a wonderful gift. I love things my grandkids make for me. Enjoy, because as they get older, these types of gifts become fewer and farther between.

    1. I'm pretty sure the present came from a maker, but I still am thrilled to receive it.

  8. Sweet - it must make you smile every time you look at it.
