Monday, May 20, 2024

Fried Exotic Veggies

One Saturday night after church Hubby Tony and I had dinner at a strip mall restaurant that specialized in Vietnamese pho. The server was friendly and helpful, and the food freshly prepared. 

On the way back to the car we passed a nut and candy store, and decided to go in. The associate behind the counter greeted us immediately. It only took a few seconds for me to realize that most of the merchandise was from the Middle East. As soon as I started to look at the items behind the counter the associate asked if I wanted a sample. One of the bins held a colorful collection of what looked like vegetables. It turns out they were.

The veggie chips I sampled were a savory assortment of fried orange and purple sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, green beans, and taro. I decided to buy some to take home. The associate scooped some into a bag, weighed it, and printed out a price label. Tony chose several pieces of wrapped candy and handed them to the associate. It also was put in a bag, weighed, and labeled.

 The next day Son Donald came for dinner. I pulled out my veggie chips and we noshed on them before the real meal. I discovered that as part of the bagging process many of the vegetables broke into small pieces, but even the crumbs were tasty.

When I looked up the nutrition information for my snack I discovered that veggie chips had a little bit more fiber than potato chips, but otherwise the nutrition was about the same.


  1. Interesting about the nutrition. It looks good. -Christine

  2. Yum.

  3. Those veggie crisps look delicious!

  4. I counted about 18 Vietnamese restaurant's in the St. Louis area. Did you go to DD Mau Vietnamese Eatery? And no, I haven't been to any of them. You're more adventurous than I am when it comes to food.

    1. Only 18? It was the Pho Vietnamese in Winchester. And I even bet you would like pho (soup).

  5. These fried veggies are very popular. There are a number of commercial producers that sell them in the grocery stores here. I just assumed it was a nationwide thing. Sprouts has them in bulk. My daughter buys them all the time.

    1. Interesting. They may be on the grocery shelves and I've just never noticed. They definitely are not available in bulk.

  6. Hmmm....I'd try them. Not a fan of fried but they look very good!

  7. Te veggie chips look and sound delicious! You've even got the approval of your son Donald to that.
