Monday, August 28, 2023

Offline And Online

Last night after dinner Hubby Tony and I figured out our WiFi was down. He called our provider (Spectrum), who verified that there was no outage in our area. They did some things on their end and asked Tony to reboot things on ours. We thought the issue was taken care of and left the house for a walk.

When we got home we discovered the problem was still there. Tony called again and this time eventually got escalated to an actual person. After a couple of tests the associate determined we needed to have someone come out and take a look at the issue. The first available technician appointment was Thursday evening...four days away! 


Tony didn't have any choice but to accept the appointment, and the associate promised we would be informed if something came up sooner.

Of course without WiFi we couldn't do anything online. Our streaming television also needs the WiFi signal, so we spent the rest of the night reading an accumulated stack of magazines and newspapers and went to bed early.

This morning, without WiFi I couldn't read the newspaper on my iPad, check emails, scroll through Facebook, or peruse the blogs that had accumulated in my reader. Instead I read a magazine while I ate breakfast, then started my day early.

While I was getting ready to leave for the gym it occurred to me that our downstairs neighbor has the same internet provider, so I sent her a text to see if she was having any issues. She wasn't. Tony and I decided to get to the gym early and use their WiFi before we started exercising (a class for me and the cybex and weight rooms for him).

My class was almost ready to start when I got another text from my downstairs neighbor asking if we would like to use her WiFi network until we resolved our issue. Before I was able to respond she sent the network name and password information. What a nice gesture!

Five years ago today: Chain Of Foods


  1. Hope you get your Internet back soon.

    God bless.

  2. Out here in The Sticks we had one available internet service from 2008 until 2022... Charter/Spectrum. Then our power company formed a internet service. Dumped Spectrum and will not go back.

  3. You are fortunate to have such a kind neighbor. Hope your issue gets resolved soon.

    1. I've always liked this neighbor, but now I have a new appreciation for her.

  4. That's always frustrating. I hope you have it resolved by now.

    1. Not yet, but with our 'borrowed' internet signal it's easy to forget there's an issue.

  5. Sounds like the neighbor is going to get some Ted Drews as a thank you.

    Does your condo association prohibit hard wire? There may be AT&T fiber in your area. I have 100meg AT&T but no fiber. AT&T seems to be putting fiber into high density areas first. The 100meg is more than enough for me but 1 gig would be like buying a new car. You don't need it but hey, look what I've got!

    1. Ted Drewes or a grocery store gift card!

      Over the years we've gone back and forth between Spectrum/AT&T. Neither is perfect. It looks like they're laying fiber in the area but I have no idea if our building would allow it.

  6. We had AT&T at the park, bundled with the land line. It was okay, better than Dishnet. Our electric co-op here provides ours and it is fast and reliable, unless we lose power, of course. We have only had two major outages that lasted a good aount of time, though. I doubt the coverage with Dish would work well in the mountains!
