Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Heat Wave Caroling

"The Christmas Song" ("Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire") is one of my favorite carols, which was written by Robert Wells and Mel Tormé in 1945. However, I just learned that the tune came together in an effort by the writers to think themselves cool.

Wikipedia says:

According to Tormé, the song was written in July 1945 during a blistering hot summer. It was in an effort to "stay cool by thinking cool" that the most-performed (according to BMI) Christmas song of all time was born."I saw a spiral pad on his (Wells's) piano with four lines written in pencil", Tormé recalled. "They started, 'Chestnuts roasting..., Jack Frost nipping..., Yuletide carols..., Folks dressed up like Eskimos.' Bob didn't think he was writing a song lyric. He said he thought if he could immerse himself in winter he could cool off. Forty minutes later that song was written. I wrote all the music and some of the lyrics."

Unfortunately, listening to the song tonight didn't do much to cool me off. Maybe because at 8:31 pm it still feels like it's 102 degrees.

Five years ago: Removed Root


  1. I think watching the video "March of the Penguins" could help us! Linda in Kansas

    1. Good idea! Thanks for the creative solution.

  2. Replies
    1. Can we swap a couple of degrees? I'd gladly take some of the chill off your hands.

  3. The heat has been unbearable. And dangerous.

    1. I've been stalking the weather app on my phone to figure out when things are going to cool off.

  4. I thought I left a comment. Maybe not. I know I read this post.

  5. I hear you about the heat, but regardless of the weather I do enjoy hearing the song. So beautiful.
