Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Old Cat, New Tricks

Jackson the Cat's 21-year old body doesn't work as well as it used to. He has to work really hard to get up on the couch, and can't jump onto the bed at all. He still wants to take his morning nap there, though, and has a system to insure that happens. Jackson waits until either Hubby Tony or I come into the room, then goes into an elaborate pantomime where he looks at the bed, then at the person, and back at the bed until we pick him up and deposit him on the mattress.

 But our old cat seems to have learned a new trick. A couple of days ago Tony asked if I had put Jackson on the bed. I told him I had not. The next day the same thing happened. We figured out that Jackson was climbing onto the bottom shelf of Tony's bedside table, which cuts the distance to the top of the bed in half.

Five years ago: Am I Right, Or Are You?


  1. Amazon, search "dog steps for high bed". Lots to choose from.

    1. Tried that. Jackson was NOT interested in learning that trick.

  2. So cute! Hard to tell a dat's age just by looking at them

  3. I love the way cats learn to order me around. They do get their point across.

  4. Cat's are resourceful if nothing else! He's a beauty!

  5. Jackson is smart! My daughter's orange cat is 20 also and not fond of the new kittens, but she is still the queen of her domain.

  6. Smart kitty and also very beautiful!

  7. Replies
    1. I would like to think he's always been smarter than the average feline :-)

  8. Cats really do hate having to *ask* for something!!

  9. Clever boy...Dawn the Bohemian
