Monday, May 8, 2023

From Winter To Summer

Hubby Tony and I were out of town over the weekend for a fellowship business meeting. When we left on Friday morning I had on jeans, a bracelet sleeved shirt, and a lightweight jacket. Saturday it was a little bit warmer. I wore a short sleeved t-shirt and jeans, and my after-lunch walk left me a little sweaty. Sunday was the hottest day yet. I ditched the jeans for a denim skirt and was glad I did. The meeting ended at noon and I would have been miserable with covered legs.

Last night on the news I heard that the area had set a new high temperature for May 7th of 93 degrees Fahrenheit. Even though that level of heat will be gone in a day or so, by the end of May it will be back.  It was time to swap out the winter for summer clothes in my closet.

I got out the plastic tubs of off-season clothes,  then stepped into the closet and pulled out the hangers that held sweaters, sweatshirts, fleeces, and heavyweight dress pants. In their place I put t-shirts (short sleeve and sleeveless), capris, and cotton skirts. Sandals replaced leather shoes. All the cold-weather items were boxed up and stored until next fall.

I haven't followed fashion trends for years, and most of my wardrobe is from thrift stores. Some of the items I was hanging up are five or more years old. They're well made, with sturdy material and quality fasteners. The newer items are lesser quality. T-shirts (even ones with labels from high-end stores) are constructed with lightweight fabric, which pills or quickly gets holes. Fortunately I paid thrift-store prices for them, but it's annoying to have to replace things on a regular basis.


  1. It's been so strange around here, I've gone from heat, to a/c, back to heat again. Pretty hard to figure out what to wear from one day to the next.

    1. Every morning I open the clothes closet door, then open up my weather app.

  2. Yes it is getting warm even in Toronto

    1. It always amazes the similarities in our weather considering how much farther north Toronto is.

  3. T-shirts are summer and winter. Shorts come to the top of the pile, jeans go to the bottom.

    1. Nothing hung in a closet?!?

    2. Not that I use on a daily basis. Closet cloths just gather dust.

  4. I have clothes that over 20 years old and I'm still wearing them. This morning I have on a pair of pants bought in the late 90s that have become very fashionable as they are frayed at the hem!. I'm wearing a top I bought right before I retired 13 years ago and tennis shoes I bought just a couple of years ago. And, as you can probably figure, the shoes show the most wear even though they are rarely worn. Things just aren't made the same, but oh, the prices are still quite high. Your thrift store shopping is very wise.

    1. I've been thrift store shopping for decades. It started out as a way to stretch an already-thin budget. Now I do it for ecological as well as budgetary purposes.

  5. I switched out winter to summer clothes last week. I usually keep off season clothes in the closet of the guest room so it was a matter of carrying hangered clothes back and forth! I find in my older years I prefer skorts instead of shorts. I have quite a collection of them now.

    1. I have both skorts and shorts, and I choose what to wear depending on how nice I need to look.

  6. We are not quite ready to switch out here but I am looking forward to it.

    1. The twice-yearly clothing switch is a great way to celebrate a new season.

  7. Funny you should mention later model T shirt materials. They're AWFUL. You said it, thin and get holes fast. Fortunately I too had found some on sale at Kohls for $3! First wash though, and one of them lost half its size I swear. They're crap. Why are they selling such crap? We too are having a switcheroo, from rain and gray to suddenly, starting Friday, it will be in the 80's and the weekend--maybe in the 90's. I don't mind, since we've had such a cold wet spring.

    1. I think that the poor-quality material and workmanship is because people don't want to pay for better.
