Thursday, June 10, 2021

What Do You Think?

I received this oh-so-professional email, offering me a business 'opportunity'. It took me about half a second to send it to the trash bin. Was I wrong? 😀
We have a job in your area and we would like you to participate and complete the assignment.
* We are starting a very big research project in USA and
* We are leading agency specialized in (Global) Customer
* You will receive instructions for the task
* and you via email in the location and details of the task
* We are leading agency specialized in (Global) Customer
* You will get (US 300) for each assignment,
Info detail to started
* MynAme,
* Address
* Post code
* Mobile Home Phone No
* Email
*Thank you for your participation and being here with us.
* Thanks,
* Mrs.Anna Best
* Official Recruitment
Five years ago today: Another Day, Another Adventure


  1. So, you didn't want to give out your mobile home phone number?

  2. What? You did not give them your full name, address, phone number, date of birth, maiden name, TAX ID number, insurance number, car registration number, credit card and other security numbers, and a lot of other information? I would have done that for $300.

    God bless.

  3. It was the BEST of times and the WORST of times. Fike 13 is the proper place for that correspondence. Someone called me allegedly from Medicare, and asked if my legs were swollen. I said NO. They said, "How about your arms?" I hung up.

    1. My File 13 has been getting a lot of use lately.

  4. An opportunity to be taken to the cleaners is what I think!

  5. So many scammers. Glad you passed by on that offer.

    1. Even if it had been an authentic solicitation, I would not do business with a company that can't put together a proper sentence.

  6. That message asks for pressing "delete" button. Better to click on "spam" button. lol!

    1. I have my filters set pretty high, and the message went straight to the Junk file...then the Trash file.

  7. You are such a party pooper. I was looking forward to having 4 ways to contact you. I would never have stalked you ;-)

  8. Yup! We're getting those crazy scams our way too.
