Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fall Back Fun

In the middle of last night the clocks reverted from Daylight Saving Time back to Standard Time, which means that the hour of daylight that was transferred to the end of the day back in the spring is now back in its normal spot. I usually don't have a problem with the change, but today it really threw me for a loop.

My issues started first thing in the morning when I woke up in a panic. Because it was bright earlier that I'm used to, I thought I had overslept. However, once I figured out I was on the correct schedule it was nice to do my morning tasks without needing to turn on so many lights.

Most of the clocks in the house automatically change themselves now, but the microwave doesn't. Somehow it got overlooked, and in the afternoon I looked at it and panicked again, thinking I had lost an hour. (I was really happy when I figured out that I hadn't.)

This was my first chance to change in the time in my new-to-me vehicle. I was pleased to figure out the process was intuitive, and the whole thing only took me a couple of minutes.

Hubby Tony and I went to Mass at 5:00 pm. The temperature was almost balmy, so we decided to walk. By the time we got out of the church at 6:00 it was completely dark. Thank goodness there were street lamps along the road to light the way.

Five years ago today: A Tale Of Two Routes


  1. This is the more pleasant time change though.

  2. Yes, thank goodness for street lights. We forget how dark it is an hour later. This change back does't bother me, and I wish it were for more than four months.
