Monday, November 11, 2019

Ready or Not, Here We Snow

Yesterday I was outside in shirtsleeves raking leaves. I even turned off the furnace for a couple of hours and opened the windows a tad to air the house out.  I knew the lovely weather wasn't going to last long, though.

Early this morning a cold front came through. When I woke up the wind was whipping the remaining leaves off the trees. After breakfast it started raining; as the temperature fell the precipitation turned into snow. The storm kept up through most of the afternoon, and when it moved off, there was approximately two inches of white stuff on the grass (but very little on the roads).

Hubby Tony's office was closed for Veteran's Day. We had planned on running errands together and going out to lunch. However, I had no desire to drive around in winter weather so those plans got changed. Right after breakfast I ran to the office supply store to pick up some supplies for a paperwork project that I had been putting off. When I got home, Tony left to make a couple of stops at stores that opened later in the morning. One of his errands was at the grocery store, so I asked him to bring home something frozen or processed that we could heat up for lunch so I didn't have to cook.

This is very early in the year for us to have significant winter weather. Other years the cold comes more gradually, and I have time to get used to it. Soon after the snow started it covered the skylight in the kitchen, which gave the room an eerie glow. I hunkered down in the house and drank hot tea all afternoon to try to stay warm. Thankfully, the leftover vegetable bean soup we had for dinner was warm and substantial.

After dinner I decided to scrape off the light layer of white stuff from the driveway and sidewalks. I put on my heavy coat, a scarf, hat, and gloves. The job only took 15 minutes, but by the time I was done I was more than ready to come in. It sounds like things will be better in a couple of days, but the National Weather Service says that the record low for tomorrow is 12° (set in 1911), and according to the weather guy on the TV news I watched before I went to bed we could break that record.

Five years ago today: Change In The Weather


  1. I am going to try shovelling today, we had a lot of snow yesterday. I fell and hurt my wrist last year so I am a bit wary.

  2. Oh gosh, that's cold! We've had unseasonably dry warm weather here, but that's about to change and we're told there could be snow by Thanksgiving. We rarely get snow in the valley. It's a big deal if we do. Fun! But I've seen the news this morning of the cold front moving across the eastern half of the country.

    1. Yes, we're not alone in abnormally cold weather. Don't know if that makes me feel better or not.

  3. Here in TN everyone's having a case of the vapors over our inch-ish snow. Yesterday and today are setting new record lows. What happened to autumn?!

    1. I saw a funny meme today that was essentially an obituary for fall...all three days of it :-)

  4. We had six or eight inches. So fortunate our infrastructure has not been laid low with cold yet; it is melted on roads and sidewalks. Not on decks or cars, though.

    1. After reading your comment I'm thankful that we only got what we did.

  5. It was supposed to snow here in Houston, but we weren’t so lucky

  6. Snow and cold are sure early this year.
