Thursday, October 17, 2024

Was It Something I Said?

I've subscribed to dozens of blogs, which means that every day quite a few posts show up in my feedreader. I go through all of them, and try to comment on as many as I can. More and more of the blogs I visit have enabled comment moderation, so my thoughts aren't visible until they're approved. It makes sense; I've noticed that I'm getting more spam comments, so I'm sure others are too.

I also like to find out if someone has commented on my comment and so will revisit the post a day or two later. In the past few weeks there are a couple of blogs where nothing from me is showing up! I like to think that I leave constructive comments but maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe Blogger is up to its old tricks again and sending things to Spam folders?


  1. One word (if this comment indeed becomes visible): relatable.

  2. I imagine that is frustrating. Some blogs I follow have the feature & if I do get back they show.

  3. My guess would be spam filter! That's why I check my blog's spam filter all the time. Who knows why some comments end up there and others don't?

    1. I've even had some of my own responses end up in Spam!

  4. Once a week, a comment ends up in the spam folder. Sometimes, my own comment back to the commenter will end up in the spam folder! Now that's really crazy!
