Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Purple Pepper Picking

The last time I was at the farmer's market they had large bins of green and colored bell peppers. In addition to the everyday red, orange, and yellow varieties I saw some unusual ones. Some of them came home with me.

In my experience, the flavor and texture of most colored peppers is interchangeable, and depends on if they were allowed to completely ripen on the plant or picked early. I have no experience with white or purple varieties. However, I found that the purple ones had thick, crisp flesh and a sweet taste. The white one was crisp, but there wasn't much sweetness to it.

If I ever see another white one I would buy it again and see if it's any different.

Five years ago: Many Hands Make It Fun


  1. I do not like green bell peppers (they make me burp) but the other colors work just fine. I buy red and purple and orange quite often. The paler ones are very mild and sweet so I like them when they are in the market.

    1. In my experience colored peppers are sweet, but green peppers are more of a wild card. Sometimes they have no tang, but other times are quite sharp.

  2. I've only ever seen the standard green, yellow, orange and red too.

  3. I like peppers in the usual colors: green, red, yellow, orange. I pay attention to size: small to medium. I don't buy big ones as I suspect they are genetically engineered and taste differently from the other sizes.

    1. The ones at the farmers market were not uniform in shape, so I was comfortable choosing the largest ones they had.

  4. I've never seen purple or white peppers.

  5. nothing better than fresh produce from a gardener

  6. I would love those. Did you save the seeds ?

    1. As I have no place to garden it didn't even occur to me.

  7. The colour changes with ripening makes sense but I've never seen one as dark as that.

    1. It seems like every year there's new (to me) produce selections in the bins. They're often old varieties that have become popular again.

  8. I haven't been to a farmer's market in a bit so I don't know if they have any of those colors out here but I would like to find out.

    1. Before we relocated to a city that has an actual market I hadn't been to one in a long time either.

  9. How do you microwave those things?

  10. I love peppers, but I can say I have never eaten a purple one. I also have not seen them at the farmers market but if I do, I'm going to try that.

    1. Based on my experience I think you'd like it.

  11. Interesting. I have not ever seen peppers with these colors. I prefer the sweetness of a pepper and mostly buy the red ones. Sending happy weekend vibes to you.

  12. Purple and White Peppers are new to me too so I'll look for them, would make dishes a lot more colorful.

    1. I wonder what a cooked purple pepper would look like...would it hold the color or fade like cooked red cabbage?

  13. I agree that green are sharp and therefore used here often. I wonder if coloered are available here too though i saw little variety in capital city Islamabad

  14. Very cool peppers! One year I grew Gum Drop Peppers. Purple, red, yellow, orange. They were fun.
