Thursday, September 12, 2024

For The Better

Even though it's months away, Hubby Tony and I have already started planning for our next trip to see the California kids and grand kids.

When we started making regular trips out that way in 2016 we were almost always able to find a non-stop flight. However, in the past few years Southwest (our preferred airline) has fewer of them, meaning that we have to change planes somewhere. This latest flight is no exception. On the way home, in order to get a departure time that got us to St. Louis at a reasonable hour we chose to go through Dallas.

This morning Tony got a message that the airline had made a change in the trip due to flight schedule shifts. That's usually bad news, but this time we struck gold! The departure time is an hour later and we actually arrive earlier. Why? THEY CHANGED US TO A NON-STOP FLIGHT!

The change email messages always end with a boilerplate statement that if the change works for us we don't need to do anything. However, I am going to do something....which is cross my fingers and pray that the change doesn't get re-modified between now and then.

Five years ago: An Assortment Of Apples (Redux)


  1. Would you and Tony ever move closer to them?

    1. We would love to, but housing in their part of California is cost-prohibitive for us.

    2. Remember, the Central Valley is much less expensive than the Bay Area.

  2. What a stroke of luck! Enjoy yourself on vacation.

  3. This was a good change and hope all goes well on your trip.

  4. Daughter recently flew from SFO to Atlanta but had to make a stop in Dallas, both going and coming. She found that there were no longer any reasonable direct flight.

    1. I understand the airlines are trying to maximize their resources, but it makes it hard for people flying.

  5. Oh wow! You really lucked out! When we were to Tokyo last year to meet our kids they changed our airports. It was OK, but we were supposed to meet our daughter at the other one. She was OK though.

    1. We've not had that happen (yet), and I hope it never does.

  6. I’m not sure where your kids live in California but the Central Valley is extremely affordable, with space. You can get huge newly built homes that are very reasonable compared to the Bay Area . Shhh, don’t tell anyone! The expensive areas are always near the coast or the metro areas. The rest of California is more affordable than you realize. At least you’d be closer than you are now.

    1. Oldest Son lives in Modesto, but even there things don't line up.

  7. Have you ever road tripped there?

    1. Funny you should ask, because we considered doing that for the next trip. However, we would like to drive the northern route one way and the southern route the other. There's a very small window with weather conducive (no snow / less excessive heat).

  8. That's a nice piece of news for you. I hope it doesn't change between now and then.

  9. yay for you guys.....I live only a 100 miles from Dallas. We have been making regular trips to California to visit our kids and made our last one this past April. Our kiddos got orders and will now be in a closer to us. Still will have to fly to see them, but the change will be nice for them and for us. We always try to get non-stop flights as neither of us are NOT great in dealing with airports. Hope your flight stays the same and you have a wonderful trip.

    1. I would be in heaven if either of the California families moved...but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen.

  10. What? This is truly rare nowadays. Fingers crossed.

  11. Getting some good news from the airlines is awesome because it usually isn't the case. Hope the flight doesn't change and you keep the current plans.

    1. I hope so too. One time they made a change the DAY before we were scheduled to travel.

  12. How much wood have you knocked on? Keep knocking.
