Sunday, September 15, 2024

Not Just For Students

Did you know that today is National Online Learning Day? The term online learning is most associated with students, but now that so much information can be found on the internet it's easy to learn things online.

I headed to the AARP Staying Sharp site, logged in, and chose the learning activity called Building Resilience. 

The introduction said:

"Resilience means having the ability to rebound from hardship and approach each day with determination that you’ll do more than survive, you’ll thrive. Some resilience comes from within, but you can learn ways to build resilience through practice. This challenge will allow you to explore tools you learn about boosting your resilience."

The activity started with a pretest. After the pretest there were ten sections, each organized the same way. There was a video, then written information to back the video up. The third step had some practical suggestions for applying the information. After all the modules there was an opportunity to take the quiz again. 

I actually learned a lot about how to become more resilient, and I'm glad I did it.


  1. That’s neat Kathy. I’ll have to check that out.

  2. Great way to celebrate National Online Learning Day!

  3. I learn everyday online and now I'm using artificial intelligence to brief me. Very cool. Thanks honey Aloha!

  4. That sounds really interesting. We all need to be more resilient these days.

  5. This is the goal of every session I have with the first and second graders--to build resiliency and the ability to persevere. We call our students "bounce back kids." Each book I read has a resilience focus and we have some great discussions about the characters in the book as well as how the students can do likewise.

    1. Hopefully your students will carry their lessons with them as they grow.

  6. This seems like a great resource. Love the ASL signs for "be resilient" and "don't give up."
