Saturday, October 14, 2023

It's Fun To Be Flexible

When I woke up this morning I thought I knew how my day was going to go (paperwork, computer stuff, and straightening the house), but then a friend of Hubby Tony told him about a weekend event called Walktoberfest in Old Webster (Groves). The neighborhood was featuring shopping, food and drink opportunities, crafting, and  polka music. This afternoon's polka band was one Tony was familiar with and wanted to see. He asked if I wanted to join him 'for an hour or so'. I did, and all of a sudden my day took a completely different turn.

Tony had some errands to run. He sent me a text when he was done and I met him in front of the bandstand. We tapped our feet to the So. Grand Polka Band, then walked around the area, popping into stores that interested us. At one we were offered a sample of apple cider. Later, a sidewalk popup was promoting a wine bar down the street by serving tiny cups of sangria. In between I made a few purchases and got some ideas for things to buy down the line.

We walked back to the stage and listened to the band again.  Tony struck up a conversation with what turned out to be one of the musician's parents and learned a little bit about the band and its history. It was a chilly, blustery day, so I left to get a cup of coffee at a French pastry store a couple of storefronts away. Tony followed me, and before I knew it I was adding a piece of chocolate tart to my order. We split the rich, decadent treat, then went back to the bandstand a third time.

When the band announced they were taking a break we walked around for a little bit then came back for their last set. Tony decided to purchase their CD, which included this song:

The 'hour or so' Tony had suggested ended up being three hours.  
Anything with a good beat gets my toes tapping. The infectious polka music had me dancing in place. When I was done I was amazed at how many 'steps' my phone had recorded.


  1. That was the longest 3:37 of my life. But if you get drunk and have Tony video you dancing to it, I'll listen to it again.

    1. Not a polka fan, eh? That's a shame, because they've got some fun St. Louis-themed ones, like the Saratoga Polka (after the bowling alley) and the Urban Chestnut Polka.

  2. It seems I never quite know how the Day will unfurl these days. Dance like nobody is watching.

    1. It's a good thing I don't take my to-do lists seriously anymore.

  3. That sounds like fun! Good to be flexible.

  4. That is so fun! My first in-laws lived in Kitchener-Waterloo and I cannot recall going.
