Wednesday, December 28, 2022

What's Going On?

Thanks to the Local Norway Facebook page I learned a new word today. Romjul is the period between  Christmas and the end of the year where you lose all track of time and motivation.
The word is especially appropriate for people like me who have nothing scheduled. Romjul life is nothing but a series of deep questions, like:

  • Is it time for a real meal, or another between meal snack
  • Should I try to pretend that the between meal snack will offer some health benefits, or just have another handful of junk?
  • Should I take a mid-afternoon nap, and where should it be?


  1. So many questions ... is it Friday yet? Have the visitors been and gone? Are these my feet? Who am I?

    God bless.

  2. Replies
    1. I agree. I think I've asked myself four times today if it's Wednesday or Thursday.

  3. I chuckle at this. My entire retirement life is like this, I guess that's why the week between Christmas and New Years doesn't seem all that different except keeping track of the mail delivery days and bank holidays. This year has really changed things up. I'm assuming that the week seems to be going slower as there is no routine in the neighborhood. No children going to and from school. No people taking their walks on certain days at certain times. People going to and from work. It's all pretty quiet, and with the cold fog, seems to move in slow motion.

    1. When I was working the flow of the holiday week was much different.

  4. Is there one more cookie left? I just need one more. I am going to go cold turkey on Jan 1st, but right now...

  5. It's like a dead time zone, the week between Christmas and new year, alternate universe feel.

  6. I wouldn't have a problem with any of those questions.

  7. It's the time of the year where I'm thinking I really need to lose weight as I eat another mince pie.

    1. All diet goals are suspended until after January 1st.

  8. Someone called it the betwixt times!
