Saturday, December 19, 2020

Tradition Transgression

 It's been two days since I injured my toe. When I woke up yesterday it was fatter and darker in color than the rest, indications that I had a first-class bruise. 

In between icing sessions, Epsom salt sessions, and manipulation sessions to try to bring the swelling down and get the pooled blood back where it belonged I tried to get some exercise.  After Hubby Tony finished work we drove to a coffee shop in an urban area, where we had to park a block and a half away. Even though I was wearing my most comfortable shoes I barely made it. At the coffee shop we sat outside next to a fire pit and drank our mochas, then slowly walked back to the car. 

Today my toe didn't hurt as much, and I was really hoping to get my steps in (part of my strategy to not gain weight during the holidays.) After lunch when I put shoes on I was optimistic, but when Tony and I got several blocks away from the condo building I had to turn around. It was disappointing, because the temperature was the warmest it's been in several days-warm enough to wear the lightweight winter coat. 

Back at home Tony left to run some errands. I putzed around in the kitchen and felt sorry for myself for wasting a beautiful day. Then I had an idea...since it was relatively nice outside I wondered if I could put on a pair of sandals and finish my walk? I decided it wouldn't hurt to try. In the bedroom, I pulled out the summer shoe bin from under the bed and tried on the first pair I saw. The strap cut right across the bottom of my toe. Bummer! 

The only other sandal option was white and strappy. I follow the old fashion rule that you don't wear white after Labor Day, but I was willing to break that rule if it meant I could get outside. Amazingly, the white sandals were quite comfortable. I put on my lightweight winter coat, grabbed a key, and left.

The front door to the condo building was in the sun, which made it nice and warm. I walked up and down the street with no issues. However, after I turned the corner the sidewalk was shaded and my feet quickly got cold. I doubled back to the building and went inside.

I can always try again tomorrow.

Five years ago today: Another Day, Another Tree, Another Ornament


  1. Wow! You ARE determined! Congratulations! I’m afraid I would have used the excuse to stay home and veg out. I’m bad, I’ve been told.

    1. Getting in my exercise every day lets me eat more and not gain weight...which is really important at this time of the year :-)

  2. My sister hurt her toe and the doc taped it to another toe, thinks it is sprained

    1. Yikes! Hope your sister is on the road to health soon.

  3. The good thing is it WILL eventually be better! Healing prayers for your little toe!

  4. Good work. What a difficult time! All the best.
