Thursday, March 12, 2020

Wash Those Hands!

With all the news coverage of COVID-19, it seems like every time I turn around I'm getting another reminder to wash my hands thoroughly. (With soap. For at least 20 seconds.)

If you're time challenged like I am, singing the song Happy Birthday twice takes about that long. But if you're as tired of singing that as I am, the site Wash Your Lyrics lets you enter a song title and artist, then generates a poster that pairs its lyrics with a 13-step hand washing routine.

I'll be singing 'Beat It" to those germs as I scrub away. What's your song?

Five years ago today: Cast Iron Skillet TLC


  1. What an interesting post, thanks for the information. "The Way of the World" by EWF is my song.

    1. I read your comment BC (before coffee) and couldn't figure out who EWF was. Then it hit me. What a great song! The only words I know to it are the chorus, though.

  2. I’m trying my best to wash my hands longer and not touch my face. It’s so hard.

  3. Great advice in these trying times.

  4. My daughter, a nurse, taught her children to wash hands to the ABC song. The oldest is 26, now, and Laura is 18. One of them recently reminded me to sing ABC.

  5. Let us join in World Day of Prayer tomorrow regarding this situation the world is in.

    God bless.

    1. I hadn't heard about the event tomorrow. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  6. Washing hands is one of the most important things we do. Hands carry so many germs.
