Friday, March 20, 2020

Virtual Fun

Yesterday Hubby Tony and I were talking via FaceTime with Son Brian and DIL Nicole. They are trying to work from home with a three-year old and eight month old twins. Usually they have a nanny that comes in during the work week, but the twins had some kind of 'crud' and out of extra caution they had her stay home so she wouldn't catch anything. (I don't know how old the nanny is, but she has grown children, so she must be close to my age. The CDC says I'm old and need to be extra careful.)

I wondered out loud if Brian thought Grandson Jay would like to do a virtual activity with me, which might allow him to get some work done. I suggested we play LEGOs. Brian thought that might work, and we decided that I would text Brian mid-morning today.

After the call was over I went down to our storage locker, found the white tub of LEGO bricks my boys had accumulated over the years, and brought it up to the condo.

At the appointed time today I set up my iPad on the dining room table and waited for Brian's call. Normally Jay tends to freeze up when Tony or I talk to him during FaceTime calls, or he quickly leaves the room. Today he and Brian started out by dumping bags of DUPLOs and foam blocks out onto the floor.

I told Jay I was going to build a house. While he started playing with his things I would ask him questions about what type of brick I should use next. He'd ponder my question, then very quietly give me an answer. By the end of the session we were having a real conversation. Brian was in the background (hopefully) getting some work done, but he did occasionally join in the fun.

I couldn't believe how fast the time went, and after almost an hour and a half we ended the call. I hope there's a next time; I have some more building ideas I couldn't get to today.

Five years ago today: Cash Drawer Arrangement


  1. WOW, what a great idea! Sounds like tons of fun! I started grinning as soon as you told Jay you were going to build a house and he started playing with his things. I finished reading and I'm still grinning from all that fun.

    1. Don't tell anyone, but I don't know if I had more fun interacting with Jay or playing with the bricks :-)

  2. I bet Jay will be asking his parents for more playtime with grandma.

  3. I've been sometimes watching Lego Masters competition and its unbelievable what people make with Legos. You are very creative and helpful to entertain from a distance your grandchild so dad could work.

    1. My creation was pitiful compared to what I see them put together on TV...but I had fun.

  4. Replies
    1. I wish I could take credit for it, but I had read about a similar idea just a few days ago.

  5. What a wonderful idea. That sounds like so much fun!
