Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Poem In Your Pocket

Did you know that according to the Academy of American Poets, April is National Poetry Month and April 14 is Poem In Your Pocket Day?  The Academy suggests you select a poem you love, then carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends.

I browsed through the extensive list of poems on the Academy's Website to select the one I wanted to use for the day.  After reading quite a few, I chose "Tomorrow" by David Budbill, because I liked its carpe diem theme.

we are
bones and ash,
the roots of weeds
poking through
our skulls. 
simple clothes,
empty mind,
full stomach,
alive, aware,
right here,
right now. 
Drunk on music,
who needs wine? 
Come on,
let's go dancing
while we still
have feet.


  1. Kathy, that's an interesting poem you chose. I'm not at all a poet, far from it but I get the message loud and clear, for sure live in the moment and seize the day! We may not have a tomorrow so why worry about it?

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  2. How did I not know this was National Poetry Month?! You have supplied me with a new mantra: "let's go dancing while we still have feet"!

  3. Fabulous poem, Kathy! This is a good reminder for us to all get out there and enjoy the day. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend!
