Here are some fun anagrams. I wish I could take credit for them, but they've been floating around the Internet forever. If you like these, check out the pages at the
Internet Anagram Server for more.
PRESBYTERIAN...When you rearrange the letters it becomes BEST IN PRAYER
- ASTRONOMER...When you rearrange the letters it becomes MOON STARER
- DESPERATION...When you rearrange the letters it becomes A ROPE ENDS IT
- THE EYES...When you rearrange the letters it becomes THEY SEE
- THE MORSE CODE... When you rearrange the letters it becomes HERE COME DOTS
- SLOT MACHINES...When you rearrange the letters it becomes CASH LOST IN ME
- ANIMOSITY...When you rearrange the letters it becomes IS NO AMITY
- ELECTION RESULTS...When you rearrange the letters it becomes LIES - LET'S RECOUNT
- SNOOZE ALARMS...When you rearrange the letters it becomes ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S
- A DECIMAL POINT...When you rearrange the letters it becomes I'M A DOT IN PLACE
- THE EARTHQUAKES...When you rearrange the letters it becomes THAT QUEER SHAKE
- ELEVEN PLUS TWO...When you rearrange the letters it becomes TWELVE PLUS ONE
- FUNERAL...When you rearrange the letters it becomes REAL FUN
- AN OLD SHOE...When you rearrange the letters it becomes HAD NO SOLE
I am terrible @ anagrams - it's always my worst category on Jeopardy. But I really like wordplay so I can't explain why I'm so bad @ them and crosswords.