Sunday, June 9, 2024

Moving On

I have been working as a parish cook for a little over 18 months. since November, 2022. When I heard about the opportunity I wasn't looking for a job, but I really enjoy the creative challenge of coming up with menus that fit with the likes and dislikes of the group.

However, last fall when Hubby Tony broke his ankle we realized how life can turn on a dime. In mid-2021 Tony started a three-year term of a volunteer commitment with relatively heavy time commitments. His term is over this month, and he decided to step down. I've decided to do the same thing.

Starting in July both of us will have more flexible schedules, which will give us the ability to plan more joint activities (and also find interesting things to do on our own).

I gave the pastor a little over a month notice so he could be looking for someone else that might be interested in cooking for the church. In the meantime I've been planning my menus with an eye to using ingredients I had stashed in the freezer and pantry. That way a new person can start fresh.

Five years ago today: LGB!


  1. Enjoying more free time in your retirement sounds like a great idea!

  2. IT's good to be able to do some of the things that we want to do , not just keep busy. Sounds like even though you enjoyed it, it's time to move on. Enjoy your time with your husband.

    1. I've already started a fun activity to-do list.

  3. More time for yourselves sounds good!

  4. You are always finding all kinds of interesting ways to keep engaged like the cook job, figuring out what to make to fit with leftovers, differing tastes and diets. I am in awe.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes! I don't think we used the bike carrier at all last year.

  6. Free time is a priceless value!
    Have a great week,
    glad I followed you!

  7. You and husband Tony are quite a team!

    1. Tony worked hard for many years, and during that time we didn't get a chance to do many things.

  8. IMO, being a volunteer is very rewarding, but shouldn't be a full-time or even part-time job.

  9. Wow. That is a big change.
    My client passed away. I will take some time to recover until I take on another. Volunteering isn't easy.
    Congrats on the change.

    1. Who knows what the future holds? I may decide to take on something else down the line.

  10. It seems as if you've earned your 'me' time. Enjoy!

  11. I really admire you volunteering, but now a new adventure for you.

    1. Actually I get paid for my efforts. Not a lot, but enough.

  12. Certainly, I can understand that time is the most important commodity, no matter what our age. I have volunteered in past years in other locations and had considered doing it here in Nashua. The "problem" was that that even as a volunteer there is the expectation that you will show up on certain days at certain times. And, sometimes. life gets in the way with other plans. Hope that you and Tony have some fun times, whether planned or not.

    1. My position is paid (not volunteer) but I've come to realize that time is more important than money

  13. Good that you will have more time to do fun things with tony. I bet the priests will miss you though!

    1. The pastor has already mentioned how much I've be missed.
