Thursday, June 27, 2024

Clean Forgot

It's gotten hot enough here that outside activities need to be done early in the morning or late in the evening. I'm more of a morning person, so today Hubby Tony and I drove to the local YMCA branch and did a couple of errands on foot before I headed inside for an Aqua Zumba class.

Even though our walking route has a lot of shade, I know from past experience that at the end I will be sweaty, so in addition to my suit, pool shoes, and towel I bring fresh clothes to change into post-pool. At the gym I left my bag in the car, then headed to the bank and the post office before returning to the car for my things.

This branch of the Y normally has four locker rooms-one for women, girls, men, and boys. However, this summer they're renovating the adult ones and the youth locker rooms now serve all ages by sex. Except for the fact that the lockers themselves are smaller it's not much of an issue during the times I'm in there. Everyone is my age or older.

In the locker room I took my things out of the bag and realized I had forgotten to bring a beach towel. Before putting on my suit I took a second to figure out exactly what that meant. I could use my dirty clothes to dry off. The pool area is through the shower room and down a flight of stairs. Getting there would not be an issue but afterwards getting from the shower to the locker area could be a little problematic.

The showers are communal, with a row of heads lined up along one wall of the room. (Twenty-year old me would have had an issue with this, but past-middle aged me has no problem showering with a bunch of women my age.) My routine is to adjust the water correct temperature, stand under it, take my suit off and let it hang to drip. When I'm finished showering I squeeze as much water out of the suit as possible, dry off, then wrap the towel around me to walk through the wet area to the lockers.

Today I used my hands to try and squeegee as much water off my body as possible, then hustled my damp, bare bottomed self over to my locker. It took both my damp tank top and cotton knit shorts to dry my body enough to put the new clothes on.

Then I realized that in addition to drying my body, the beach towel also serves as a layer in the bottom of my bag to sop up water from the wet suit. Even though I put those clothes in the bag first, they didn't sop up much liquid. I think I might have left a small trail of water drops as I walked down the stairs and out of the dressing room.

Five years ago today: Almost Healthy


  1. Couldn't you get a towel from the front desk? I know they are not very big but two or three of them could have dried you off.

    1. They no longer provide towels. Someone said they stopped after Covid.

    2. That is unfortunate. The Y always had towels but I understand why they can't offer this service.

  2. I usually don't mind hot weather but this week has been brutal at 98 degrees!! I've done my walk by 7:00 am ! Sounds like your towel was a good idea.

    1. In the middle of winter I can't wait for summer weather. When summer hits I'm ready for some chill.

  3. As a 70 yr old senior I don’t care anymore either about the communal showers. I just get in and do my thing and get out. I don’t make eye contact with anyone - that would be weird.

    1. It tends to be a chatty group, but I can converse without looking at someone :-)

  4. I'm not as brave as you. I'd probably rinse off in my bathing suit and shower when I got home. I've always wanted to be the kind of person who doesn't care. I guess that's something I can work on in my second half of life.

    1. Elizabeth, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I figure one advantage of aging is caring less what other people think about me.

  5. I just vacuum clean myself dry.

    God bless.

  6. Good for you for adapting. We are so forgetful around here., I can empathise.

  7. Sorry, I just found the idea of a trail of drips really amusing.
    I still would not like to shower in front of others.

  8. They have a "spinner" at our Y. I call it that but I don't know what the proper term is. But when you take off your wet suit you throw it in there and it spins it dry like a washing machine. It's small and sits on the counter. Take it out and go on your way because by then you've dried off and gotten dressed. We walked by it so many times, then we saw someone use it and felt so stupid that we didn't know. And even as an old broad I don't wish to shower with others. You're more brave than me.

    1. The women's locker room (which is part of the renovation) had a spinner hung on the wall. I really miss it.

  9. Well I guess after today you'll remember that towel. I wish our Y offered that type of class. We do walking but it is tough when it is humor & the muggy meter has been high lately.

    1. You're right-I will NEVER forget a towel again! Aqua Zumba has become one of my favorite classes.

  10. That's kind of funny, but you made it through. I've had those moments where I realize I forgot some crucial little thing to some adventure.
